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Everything posted by caeron

  1. I wish them well in making Thalland more democratic, but I'm too old to take those risks.
  2. I haven't been to my gym in months, but I do have a personal trainer who comes over 3 times a week. masks up and socially distances. Today, we did pyramids with single arm clean and push press of a 12kg kettlebell. He does one set (right then left), I do one. You count up to 10 and back down for a full set of 100 reps on each side, so 200x12kg adds up to a fair bit of exercise. The trade off gives you a bit of breathing room, but you're still a sweaty mess when you're done (and not the good kind of sweaty mess). I've learned so much about ways in which you can suffer working with a personal trainer, but man, It feels good to feel good so I keep at it. If only I'd done this decades ago, I could have been a serious hottie instead of a deluded old bald guy!
  3. All you need to do is participate. Welcome!
  4. The Republicans have reached 100% Fascism. They don't have a platform, they don't care about anyone, they just want to follow the orange family wherever they want to go. Now all they have to do is to figure out the American goose step.
  5. Best Book I read in High School would be Faulkner's "Light in August". First book I read in a foreign language would be Madogiwa no Totto-chan. I've forgotten too much of my Japanese to manage that again. Trying to keep all those characters memorized is hard when you don't use them every day!
  6. 40% of Americans support our homegrown Mussolini even after all of this. I can never stop knowing that fact.
  7. Jules Verne, The Mysterious Island. I liked my fiction fanciful as a boy.
  8. No idea, but some seriously hot guys.
  9. The system resists change. Are we not better than we were 100 years ago? 200 years ago? Those changes happened because people voted and pushed for change. Sometimes it happens more quickly, but it pretty much never happens at the pace that those who crave that change desire. If you want a revolution because you think you can fix the broken system, be my guest. Go buy some guns and have at. I'm pretty sure however, it will end up like most revolutions. Even if it succeeds, it just becomes what it replaces.
  10. >>I think it's a lost cause to try and persuade this group. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who wins. We will still be in wars, have a rigged economy, and a crumbling democracy with untrustworthy institutions. But hey, some of our sauna aficionados will get to see more desperate Venezuelan guys when they visit Colombia or Brazil. << Of course we will still have problems. Your keen grasp of the obvious blinds you to the equally obvious. Our system is rigged to give us two choices. It has always been this way. We are in a shit show. The world has been a shit show for all time. You can stand in the middle of the shit show and scream about how mad you are that you're in the shit show, but you still have only two choices. One of those choices leads you deeper into the shit. One of them leads you out a bit more. Take your pick, or don't and let other pick for you. I am personally holding on to all the power I have, so I'm picking. But to me, this statement says you're not wanting a politician, you're wanting the fucking second coming where president jesus somehow magically makes the whole world happy and loving and fair.
  11. I enjoyed hiking up. Not sure when I'll get to do it again, but it's on the list.
  12. What is the point of caring what young people think until they fucking get off their lazy asses and fucking vote? Biden/Harris will become as progressive as they are made to be. Neither of them is responsible for the current shit show that has killed more Americans than WWI and Vietnam combined.
  13. Seriously, since the republican ticket is hitler-satan, I'm voting blue no matter who. Maybe we don't get as much as we wanted, but what I most want is for the world to stop burning to the ground.
  14. Yeah, we pretty much all hate this. But, it is what it is. Unfortunately, so many people seem to think if they shout loudly and indignantly enough, the virus will magically disappear.
  15. If anybody had any doubt about the truth of police thuggery, this should be exhibit 1.
  16. It would only be just and fitting if he died of Covid.
  17. Welcome! I think we're all hoping we get this pandemic under control and we can all go back to having adventures.
  18. You never know when they might unearth more documents from the period. The dead sea scrolls came from that time period.
  19. Welcome. To me, Thread drift is just a natural part of the conversations. If people are interested in the fork in the road, they take it, otherwise it turns into a side or related comment. If you don't want the conversation to take the side road, you post more about the main thread and try to bring it back. But once you've posted, you're inviting everyone to speak. You don't really get to tell them what they're allowed to say. But your post is a good example of why I don't hang out over there. A disagreement about thread direction turns into a drama fest because almost everything turns into a drama fest.
  20. I don't doubt that there was some event that triggered all. I remain dubious about various accounts. I would be delighted if an archaeological find could resolve it all.
  21. Very cute. Of course, I don't think there's a jesus of any color, but it is perverse how so many people seem to think that Jesus was some white christian dude, instead of a middle eastern jewish rabbi.
  22. I wouldn't be surprised if he's lying about being infected when he's not to help him lie that the virus is nothing to worry about.
  23. If I've decided someone isn't someone I want to listen to at the moment, then it doesn't really matter to me what they're saying. And, if you are part of the toxicity of drama queens on Daddy's, then honestly I don't really want to welcome you here. If you aren't and want a break from it, come on in!
  24. “There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” I don't care if the people I ignore from time to time respond to me. Why would I? They get to say what they like here within the forum rules. If they haven't ignored me, then they're welcome to read my posts. These forums by their nature collect a fair share of assholes. Daddy's is overrun with them and has been for a long time. I have better uses of my time than engaging with such people. If others care to worry about what other people are saying, they are welcome to. I think that way lies madness, but I guess some people like that.
  25. Since this forum has an ignore feature, anybody that bugs me gets ignored for a while. It's trivial and surprisingly freeing. For those of us who don't live for board drama, anyway.
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