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Everything posted by caeron

  1. damn it.
  2. British white guy trashing brown woman for not doing what he thinks she should. Poor UK. Still thinks its a colonial empire where white British guys get to tell the world how to please their white guy masters. It's just the same stupidity that led to Brexit. All the sad white guys who think they can reclaim their colonial empire if only they get divorced from Europe so they can go back to being top dog again. Not so much different than all the aggrieved whites in the US who are mad that their skin color doesn't mean they're magically best anymore.
  3. I am not as pleased with super small dicks, but I find the monster dicks mostly more of a hinderance to fun than an advantage. I'm better than average, and on occasion have to avoid rolling my eyes at the reaction. I get that some people have a serious big dick fetish, but I think of it a lot like straight men who fetishize enormous boobs. You're allowed, and more power to you, but it seems a bit silly to me. But, that is the nature of fetishes. They make perfect sense to those who have them, and not so much to the rest of us. Live and let live. But you can put me in the, 'don't really care' category.
  4. Fortunately for me, I retired early a few years ago, and am doing fine. But, this last year has been fucking miserable. My home is quite nice, but even a nice prison gets old fast. Give me the damn vaccine already!
  5. I personally find it interesting that here in the US the media are having a 'poor Britney' moment, while the English press seem happy play to their audiences racism with attacks on Meghan. The whole sordid mess does make you wonder why the monarchy still exists.
  6. With the rise of more dangerous and virulent strains, I'm not taking risks. I'm waiting until I get my full immunity from vaccination before I venture out and risk mingling. While we're close to end, I hope, with the new strains it isn't worth the risk to me. I've blown a year isolating already, another month or two I can survive. But man am I ready to be out and about.
  7. I enjoy the gogo bars, but the expensive drinks and the pushiness starts to wear after a while. Like many, I'm flush enough, but a billionaire I am not. The number of women in the bars seems to continue to grow, and the preference some of the boys have for them to the exclusion of male customers is a turn-off. One does want an escort to at least make some attempt to make you feel desired. At least on the apps, you don't have to buy an expensive drink before being told by the mamasan that the guy you are interested in thinks he's worth 5K for a short. (Happened at Jupiter, I laughed and left and crossed it off my list for subsequent nights.)
  8. I think the general strike has more potential to move the generals than protests do, but I guess time will tell if anything works. I feel for the people of Myanmar, and wish them success.
  9. I'm glad you did end up making your own thing without all the nastiness that eventually took over the Hooboy forums.
  10. All the homeless in the US do similar things, so I just shrug it off like I do here when I'm abroad. I have some sympathy for people who feel they need to do this, but that sympathy doesn't extend to giving my money or my time.
  11. Long in the tooth? He's 29. If you think that's long in the tooth, please don't tell me what you think is just about right, it would probably be illegal. He's cute enough, but I'm not paying to see whatever it is he is doing on onlyfans. Most of the content I've seen on only fans has been in desperate need of a professional camera person.
  12. That sounds fun... and exhausting. I could do that in my 20s, but sure as hell not now.
  13. Am I misremembering? I thought the chinese vaccine was of dubious efficiency?
  14. My money went to Stacy Abrams. We have the votes, if we can get them to bother to fucking show up. She did.
  15. More power to him. I seldom pay for porn or strippers or the like. There are plenty of things on the internet for free that get me hard enough to whack off. If I'm paying, I want a hot body in bed with me doing the real thing. I can imagine him doing well in all the regions of the world where such things can't be managed and good porn is the best you can hope for.
  16. Watched an episode or two, but didn't catch me. I need a bit more plot than teens being all teeny to each other, however hot they are. Plenty of porn on the internet full of hotties. I'm hard to please, however on the quality of writing on TV shows. Not that Covid lockdown hasn't lowered my standards on that score...
  17. I have always been very dubious of sites that require you to pay to see the guys when there are plenty that don't.
  18. I didn't give to either candidate, I gave to Stacy. I doubted there were many undecided voters and the race would go to the side that got turnout. The work they did was simply awe inspiring.
  19. There was a new york times article on child porn and the like on the big porn sites a week or so ago. I think they all collectively freaked out (appropriately) and pulled a ton of content. Better to remove way too much than leave that behind..
  20. We'll see how this goes. I hope for the best. I won't personally miss the porn stuff, because there are so many places on the internet for porn. But sometimes community changes work, and sometimes they don't.
  21. caeron


    Consider the rudeness a gift. It saves you from hiring a jerk whose company you won't enjoy.
  22. Black Flies Matter. (They know a walking pile of shit when they see one.)
  23. If he dies, the world will be a better place. Nero was a chump compared to him.
  24. I am praying to the God I do not believe exists that he calls Trump home (to hell).
  25. I'm not going anywhere until its safe, except local stuff that I can stay socially distanced the whole journey and at the destination. The guys, by definition, are getting very intimate with lots of people repeatedly. That doesn't strike me as someone I want to get close to. The reality of it would probably be a major boner killer for me. Perhaps I carry too many memories of the worst of the AIDS holocaust. Porn it is, for now.
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