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Everything posted by caeron

  1. I guess we'll see. Omicron spiked really fast elsewhere and then fell off quickly. It is doing that here in the US now as far as I can tell, the trend is now down nationwide. My trainer whose normal job is in ER said they broke new records last week here in Oregon at his hospital, so I think Omicron is peaking here now. I am hopeful, if for no other reason than I've spent so much time in despair at the stupidity of my fellow americans, that I've decided "fuck it. Let the idiots die, I'm moving on. I'm vaxxed and boosted. If they think they can win a macho battle with a virus, it's just improving the gene pool." I was thinking if I did this, I'd probably hit Thailand first, so that if I needed to, I could just abandon that leg of the trip.
  2. This year. I'm hoping the hoops you have to jump through will be clear in Thailand. Much less clear that the Philippines will be doable, but probably. I'm just hoping that we get off the Omicron spike and I can catch a travel window. I'm not interested if I have to do a long quarantine.
  3. I'm thinking of adding a Philippine leg to my next trip, so hopefully by march-ish, things will be clear enough that proper plans can be made.
  4. Aaron Rodgers, for those who don't know him, is the quarterback of the Greenbay Packers (American Football). They were the number 1 seed and expected to make a run to the superbowl. Then they lost their first game in the play offs, which made me chuckle. Aaron Rodgers lied about his vaccination status to the media, then made up some bullshit story about being allergic to the vaccine when he got outed as a vaccine liar. Glad the universe showed him to be the loser that he is.
  5. I wish onlyfans would have some kind of preview feature. I'm not gonna spend bucks to see content I may not enjoy. I guess I'm too much of a yankee. 😀
  6. It always amazes me, and not in a good way, how many former colonies have moved past almost everything from the colonial period except the sexual mores of those times.
  7. I enjoyed him a bit, after all he was in Rocky Horror. But, sad that he ended his life as an anti-vaxxer idiot. What a way to destroy your own legacy.
  8. https://colombiaescorts.co/
  9. Let the Right One In (The original swedish film is awesome.) The Big Lebowski \
  10. In high school, we played star trek on the teletype which called the mainframe in Raleigh NC on an acoustic coupler modem. The teacher let us, but didn't like it because the game used a LOT of paper. Rogue on the Unix minicomputer when I got to college was probably the first real video game. When Hack came around, I thought it was a revolution. And probably nobody here knows what I'm talking about. That's the cost of being older than dirt in the computer gaming world, I guess.
  11. I used to have some faith in mankind. The last few years cured me of it. Now I just hope we can avoid total disaster for a few more decades when I won't be around to see "The Walking Dead" happen in real life.
  12. I hated such things in my youth, but strangely have come to enjoy them as I've gotten older. Not sure why I have more interest in hot guys beating on each other now than I did then, but there it is. Though strangely, it applies to this and MMA, not to typical boxing. I've been to watch most times I've visited and enjoyed it.
  13. Good to hear it's real. Have seen the ad a few times.
  14. https://business.ebanx.com/en/resources/payments-explained/pix-instant-payment-system
  15. Yes, Tom made a private group at one point to share some photos, but some asshole or other couldn't resist sharing it outside of the group, and that was the last of that. The Garotos deserve respect of their privacy too. That is probably a thread or a forum in itself.
  16. Wow. Our bin stays outside, so frankly, I don't care if it stinks a bit. But then, I live in a house with some space, so I guess I have the luxury of a stinky garbage can.
  17. Why any business would ever think this would end well boggles my mind.
  18. I disagree with most of these "The government is just being stupid/selfish/crazy/mean." ideas. While Omicron seems noticeably less dangerous, how it plays out in hospitalizations and deaths remains somewhat to be seen. If it spreads ten times as fast, but is only as 20% as fatal as Delta, that still means twice the death rate of delta. Current evidence seems to suggest that it isn't going to be that big a problem. But, you cannot travel back in time and enforce measures to slow the spread if it proves to be a greater problem. The only rational decision you can make as a public official is to move towards strict anti-spread measures initially as the data comes in. You can always loosen measures as the data supports it. If the data supports tougher measures, and you didn't do them, well, by then its too late. Certainly, there can be debate as to what those are, but the suggestion that the only reason a government would use them is because they're power mad I think is more about all of our fatigue at Covid than it is a reasonable critique of policy.
  19. I'm personally hopeful that Omicron is the last of it. It's highly contagious, but noticeably less dangerous. I think pretty much everyone is going to get it at one point or another, and that plus the vaccine should mean most of us can go back to normal.
  20. Now you've intrigued me. What nations don't have any probate laws?
  21. Wills are mandatory. That's what probate laws are. If you don't decide it's decided for you.
  22. I hire a personal trainer 3 days a week who works the fuck out of me. I'd imagine in Bangkok you could get the same with a special bonus when the workout was over....
  23. Both the post and the times allow you to share subscriptions with another person, so I have one to the post that I share with my mom, and she shares her times subscription with me. Not a bad deal for us.
  24. #2 more or less spawned an entire genre that is alive and vibrant today. I mostly don't find these lists that interesting since they always skew to the recent and are more popularity contests than anything. It's like asking "who is the best artist in the last 125 years?" It's a meaningless question that is just a vote on personal taste, never mind the mixing of different genres and forms of art/books. I have, however, also read #2 several times. 😀
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