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Everything posted by caeron

  1. caeron

    Tawan bar

    https://www.facebook.com/tawanmuscleman/ They say they are open. I am sure that when one of us who cares gets to Thailand, we'll get a report. They're not the kind of guys that appeal to many board members.
  2. The Quarter Silom uses Paolo Phaholyothin Hospital. The hospital didn't respond to my query, maybe somebody with a Thai friend will have more luck confirming testing timing with them.
  3. Indeed, though a number of places do have 24 hour testing. I have to hope, or if it is morning, that I can pay the hospital for express testing. The Quarter did at least confirm that they use a different hospital than the one other Silom hotels use which doesn't offer express testing. I gave up trying to get answers out of the hotels because of the half dozen I wrote, none responded with anything helpful. (Some responded, but didn't answer the question I asked about quick testing and follow up emails were ignored.)
  4. The Quarter in Silom told me 12 hour turnaround. They don't use the same hospital as other Silom hotels, so there may be an express option. I wrote the hospital and got no response. The best express I found was a 4hour turnaround at the notable markup you might expect. Sorry, I don't remember which, but I found it was almost impossible to get a response from any of the hotels to clarify how this would work, and what I needed to do to get an express test. So, while they advertised it, I couldn't confirm it. With new variants possibly coming at any time, I'd rather get approval now rather than risk something popping up and the program shutting back down. My .02. I arrive around midnight, so the 12 hour turnaround isn't a problem for me. I noticed on some of the other websites that some hotels were bad about getting you the paperwork you needed to confirm for Thai Pass. The Quarter wasn't helpful on some of my emails, but they did that relatively promptly at least. Good Luck.
  5. Well, I've paid for a day 5 PCR test I won't need, but since I'm going on to the Philippines afterwards which requires one, I think I'll just pretend the day or so before my trip onward is my "day 5", so I don't have to pay for another test. The system does seem subject to abuse.
  6. I submitted my paperwork to Thai Pass yesterday, and woke up to it in my inbox this morning. So, annoying as it may be, they're apparently processing swiftly at the moment.
  7. Well, the competition is Pro-Am, so perhaps the Amateur side of it will appeal more to the Tawan crowd. I guess we'll see. Honestly, I like them muscle guys, but the ones that win competitions are too far over the line for me anyway. I think at that point they start to look weird.
  8. Well, if that's true, the next competition is March 26-27 if the following link is correct. I'm there just before that, so I guess I can find out if the pickings are still as slim as they were the last time I went. https://www.ifbbpro.com/2022-thailand-pro-qualifier/
  9. Thank you, thank you, thank you! My attempts to google had mostly met dead ends, or information that was years out of date. I'd planned to split my time between Manila and Cebu, I think I'll take the advice and spend more of it in Cebu. Can you recommend a good area to stay there?
  10. Where in Manila should I stay? It's a big city with a lot of neighborhoods. I assume Quezon city, but where is best for the gay life?
  11. Indeed, I had some respect for John McCain before he ran for president. But he became a total sellout, pandering on every issue when he ran trying to suck up to the base.
  12. I think he hoped that she'd excite the base and reach out to women voters. She sure excited the base... and alienated everyone else.
  13. The irony of it all is that if they had won, they'd pretty much put all the right wing media out of business, since those assholes do this all the fucking time and never bother to correct the errors because the errors are the point.
  14. Thanks for the tip. They were remarkably unhelpful when I reached out to them directly, but I'll ask them what hospital they're using.
  15. I'm arriving near midnight, and notice some of the hospitals have 24 hour testing drive throughs, not sure about others. Bumrungrad, for instance, does clarify that you can get the tests before noon. Given the comment above about BNH testing speed, I'm a little concerned I'd end up losing a day in the hotel. Rather stay in Silom, but that seems less likely. I'd also rather not spend a lot on my room, since I want to save that money for... other things. Any advice? I've tried googling express PCR testing, and not gotten much. If I knew which hotels used which hospitals, I could at least know which ones I could make express tests.
  16. You can often make stop overs happen and things work better if you can get an actual agent on the line to work it for you. Good luck!
  17. I'm planning to add a visit to the Philippines to my March trip to Thailand. But, all my googling gives me little idea how picking up guys works there, or where I should visit and stay. Will anybody take pity on me and give a newbie some pointers? Where should I stay/visit? How do you find guys and where? I've managed to find some on twitter, but even then many are unclear to me as to whether they're offering just massage, or more, and whether they service guys at all.
  18. I think the only danger is letting the wrong head make the decisions. Some things are worth risking some time and money on. If they don't work out, meh. Life is short. All the things you don't try definitely don't work out.
  19. And now rumors are that the Russians have been caught doping again and their ice skating gold medal may be on the line.
  20. The Olympics are a profit driven corrupt mess that feeds on the back of the athletes. I wish I could support the athletes and follow them, but I can't get past the greed.
  21. Your title made me think I was going to see some strange furry porn.
  22. This is what I would have wanted to say, but better to let the Rabbi say it.
  23. From what I read of the comments, it seemed a confused comment on the concept of race which is a pretty confused concept to begin with. I read nothing the least bit holocaust denying in the comment.
  24. Even if you believe every government is lying to you(idiotic in itself), it is beyond stupid to think that random memes on facebook and the like are suddenly the source of all truth.
  25. If you like twitter burns, you should definitely google, there are lots of really funny ones.
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