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Everything posted by caeron

  1. I get the sentiment, but this makes me leery. It feels like it's crossing the border into thought crimes.
  2. If this article is an accurate assessment of China's activities and diplomacy in Myanmar, it strikes me as foolish and ham handed. The Myanmar military has a morale problem. More guns won't fix that. It is not dissimilar to Syria in that. Iran backed the regime, but the soldiers fighting for it didn't.
  3. Reminds me of the common line in such articles. "Alcohol may have been a factor."
  4. As a young exec decades ago, I stayed at the Mandarin Oriental. It blew my mind with its service. When I called the front desk, they addressed me by naime (unheard of then). I stepped out for a few minutes and they were in my room refreshing my fruit bowl. Wish I could afford that shit now.
  5. wars between technical colleges? Leading to fucking gang murders on the streets? Just when I think the market for crazy humans is saturated, a new entrant pops up.
  6. Typically it's X-No can do Triangle - maybe can do. (often supposedly 'learning') Circle - can do Double circle - good at this. (maybe likes it too).
  7. I thought the Dems should have gone for the jugular when Biden got voted in, but he lacked the balls to match republican tactics.
  8. Presidents have little power over inflation or the economy. Trump won't change much unless he really does go full tariff and our economy tanks in a trade war. Fortunately for me, the republicans solution to all problems is tax cuts for the rich and businesses. I'll do great. Those who think he's going to save them, not so much. People want change. They may decide the status quo wasn't so bad when the house burns to ground. Pedophile for Attorney General. Dog killer for Homeland Security. A Fox news reporter for Defense Secretary.
  9. I wish we could force people to take a civics exam before counting their vote. Too corruptible a thing, but I wish people had to show they have some idea about how things work instead of the moronic, "I like him. I'd have a beer with him."
  10. damned by faint praise.
  11. To our foreign friends, I think most of us are trying to understand it too. The only explanation is that most americans are selfish idiots with no understanding of economics who somehow believe when an orange idiot tells him he will save them from a failing economy (the economy is great actually), they believe him. It is the fatal flaw of democracy. If you let every idiot vote, they will. But fear not, they won't need to bother voting soon enough... As a rich white guy, I'm going to be fine, but I weep for the shithole my country has become. Those morons think America is great. They are wrong.
  12. Look at Hillary. I think the election says more about misogyny and racism than it does about policy. She couldn't rally people because she lacked the right colored penis.
  13. Obvious to any of us with even a lick of history.
  14. Morons always love demagogues. Since they're morons, they don't know or care about how voting strong men into leadership ends. New batch of 'undesirables', same old playbook.
  15. The revenge angle makes more sense. Bridge can be played for money, but it very rarely is.
  16. As I bridge player I heard about that at the time. It convinced me that the local police are pretty out there in lala land.
  17. brave is my typical browser.
  18. No, I have a vpn and I normally tie my ip to vancouver bc. If I'm cruising rentmen it gives me the full readout which it doesn't to US ip addresses. So I'm saying I tried from Canada and it worked for me from Vancouver.
  19. My VPN from Vancouver BC works fine with both. Probably a temporary hiccup.
  20. I think it just as likely that the men's room was full so he just decided, "fuck it, I'm pissing in the other one." We have a gaming pub/restaurant here in portland that has a single huge bathroom. Everything is a completely private stall, everyone uses the same bathroom. Caught me a bit by surprise the first time being an old codger, but it works really well. Like reader said, it just makes sense.
  21. If they perform and make me feel like they enjoyed fucking, I'm fine. Doesn't matter how they identify. None of them are going to fuck me without a pay day, so what difference should it make to me? Do some people really hold the fantasy that these guys are secretly hot for you? That if they're gay they'll fall for you? The only thing they're going to fall for is your wallet. Every couple of years we get some sad story about someone who fell for a money boy and it ended exactly like you'd think it would. Fuck with the little head, don't think with it.
  22. Maybe I'm the exception, but I find these cat fights spoil my enjoyment of the forum. I'd rather not put people on ignore when it is really the instigators who should put the one(s) who annoy them on ignore. My ignore list is not empty. If someone annoys you, join me and put them on ignore instead of sharing these things with all of the rest of us. it also helps your blood pressure when you never hear from the annoyer ever again. My plea is for civility, not comity.
  23. I think far too many things get called cultural appropriation. It is a thing, but for me it must involve turning the cultural thing into a fetish, sexual prop, joke or other demeaning features. Many of us are gay. Our culture is 'appropriated' all the time. I generally consider this a compliment. We have style that others want to emulate. Most times I think people do it because they think the thing is cool. A compliment. But it is the purview of the young to overreact. God knows I was a drama queen at that age.
  24. What? I thought most of were here because we didn't like fish.
  25. Evangelicals have the memories of goldfish. It used to be they "knew" the antichrist would be shot in the head and survive. But they're too busy whoring themselves out to remember their own imagined theology.
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