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Everything posted by chancellor

  1. Try Cafe Bangrak - 4-6 Soi Saladaeng (a step from Silom on the right as you walk away). A hole in the wall - blink and you’ll miss it - with sumptuous Thai food. Not expensive. Licensed.
  2. By the way, talking about seniors, it is worth remembering that if you are in the otherwise unfortunate position of being 70 or over, you can use the special immigration processing section for persons variously handicapped by age or infirmity on the check-in floor of Suvarnaphumi instead of shuffling, goosey-gander-like through that upstairs and downstairs nightmare of shoving and elbowing through regular immigration and security. It is the one advantage that I can think of in being of - ahem! - that age - although, I must say, I did have the satisfaction of the immigration officer challenging my eligibility on the last occasion and my having to point out to him the date of my birth on my passport. It's probably a better idea to ask when you check in for the special pass that they give out to enable use of that facility.
  3. chancellor


    Moderator, can't you do something about this pain in the arse? His gratuitous sniping is neither clever nor amusing nor contributory.
  4. You could be.
  5. I don't really know what this is all about, but one thing I am certain of is that sglad is someone whose first language is English in which he or she has been educated to a high degree. Even well-educated English-speakers don't know what the subjunctive is let alone when to use it - nor do they put hyphens between their compound adjectives. The perfection of his composition betrays him. But as I said, I don't know what the significance of that might be. Perhaps he could share his CV with us.
  6. In the case of most of the posters on this board I venture it would be "pueros"
  7. Pretty much Russki, plus assorted protestations of long-standing, unchanging and everlasting love and affection and inability to stop thinking about you und so weiter.
  8. Get the ferry from Saphan Taksin and go up the river to Thewes ferry stop. (A long way). Don't miss the stop or you'll end up in Ayutthaya. A little bit further on, on the next promontory, you can see it from the ferry stop, is Steve's Restaurant. Go for lunch: fabulous trip, food and location. It is tricky to get to - you almost have to walk through the neighbours' kitchens - so look at Steve's website for directions. And don't forget the trail of breadcrumbs so you can find your way back. The starting point is to go out of the ferry wharf inland and turn left over the bridge that you'll see then double back. Afterwards, have a look at the beautiful Wat nearby and the creepy timber museum the name of which eludes me. You can go back down the river or get a cab to Hua Lamphong which is not far and get the train from there.
  9. Read the book "First They Killed My Father" if you want to know what it was like to be there.
  10. I wouldn't think either of those things Vinapu: my assumption would be that he was fixing to go out with #32 and the boys - and if #32 is who I think he is, so would I.
  11. This is the best post I have read on this board - with respect to all the other excellent posters.
  12. And he is nowhere even remotely near 45.
  13. The man in your picture would be pretty well known to devotees of the Tawan Bar. I bumped into him in the lobby of Tarntawan Place last November on his way to see a customer, so I assume he is still, in some measure, available. He is an extremely nice and dignified man - not to say very handsome and, though not tall, an most imposing presence. I do not think he was coming from Tawan so I doubt you will find him there now. I recall some years ago spending a week with him and the (then and now) love of my life, another famous muscleboy from Tawan, giving me a very stern lecture about how ill-mannered it was considered for me to blow my nose at the dinner table (it was the massive infusion of chili what caused it!) I have never ever done it in Thailand since. So there is one little point of etiquette for you on your first visit: don't blow your nose at the dinner table, however pressing the need! Good luck on your adventures; Tawan rarely disappoints.
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