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May 2015 in Bangkok and Pattaya -trip report

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I'd say that the going tip is 1500, but I find there is more pressuring by the boys to try to get it up to 2000. I think Dream Boys works hard to get 2000, and probably do most of the time. But boys at the other clubs and bars will take 1500, especially now with low season.

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I'd say that the going tip is 1500, but I find there is more pressuring by the boys to try to get it up to 2000. I think Dream Boys works hard to get 2000, and probably do most of the time.

Well, of course trying to push their fees up is exactly what they should do. This might not work well in Pattaya with a higher percentage of experienced customers. However with a constant stream of new customers, it must make sense to ask for the money in Bangkok.

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^ Not always as I regularly ask the boys for 2000 to go with them and I never seem to get it so I always have to back track and revert back to "ok, ok, I like you, i go with you just for shot of your whiskey and we stop on the way back to your loom and go 50/50 on bowl of noodles " and ok I may have to supplement that with a little extra to sweeten the deal for them ( usually about 2000 baht strangely enough) but hey at least I never go home hungry or without a drink !   lol

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How much is normal expected tip for the boy in that bar? In soi Twilight it´s 2000 baht for short time nowadays, which make those bars just being rip-offs of chinese tourists and others who don´t know better or don´t care. Would be interesting to know what the boys in Super A, Nature boys and Golden cock expect.

I'm one of those who always ask boys how much they want. Boy at Super A quoted me 1000 /short time before I even asked.

I'd be trying the same with Golden Cock and Nature Boys gems.


Soi Twilight boys may expect or ask 2000 short time but I have feeling 1500 or so still would work.


Dreamboys may have policy for boys to ask 2000 short time , 3000 /long , at least this is what boy told me in Dec but never hurts to offer what you consider fair and see what happens.


Tawan stars expect 2000 /short time but not all of them are stars. #51 wanted 4000 for long time  but agreed to 3500 / I know it's too much but I liked him badly /. money I saved because he reneged on the deal but it needs to be said that every time I was in Tawan he was offed so may be one of most popular boys there  at the moment.


I don't think is any inflation and paulsf and z909 above are probably right about 1500 short time, negotiate up front or have couple 100 baht notes ready if boys will try to squeeze more. 

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Guest LoveThailand

I have offed a guy from Tawan on one of my first visits, but I always visit the bar whenever I am in Bangkok. Not sure why I have not repeated the experience - perhaps  because while the guy performed great sex but was quite dis-affectionate. However, the atmosphere at Tawan is always great - and inviting a guy or two to sit with me and offer them a drink has always been a great time.

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I somehow skipped Tawan for years. I don't even know why as  boys there are my type.


Since I braved myself to enter back in Nov 2014 / my 9th trip / I like bar and their attitude , sexy and friendly. Show is for very open minded, specially J/O finale


My offs from there weren't  exactly success - first one was nice and hot but  cut agreed time - big no-no for me, second one preferred to go with another customer / or was asked to go by management, who cares /  , only third one was both smart and hot enough to warrant two repeats. But still  I'm after those two boys who kind of pissed me off not only because their bodies but also friendliness and lack of attitude.


On another hand for lots of our members it's nothing there - no twink in sight and 25 y.o may be considered junior but for me at the moment is bar #1

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"intetested"? Hell, yeah! I've loved reading your reports. And I'm fascinated with the arrangement you made with your guy. Like others perhaps, I'd find it extremely awkward and so wouldn't be able to do that, but good on you! You basically got what you wanted and it seemed to work out well with you.


Spending 24 hours a day with a guy would drive me nuts, as I value time alone. What would you have done if the guy turned out to be incompatible? That would be a worry for me, too.


I think I'll just stick to my QBFE but I admire you for doing something different.

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And I'm fascinated with the arrangement you made with your guy. Like others perhaps, I'd find it extremely awkward and so wouldn't be able to do that, but good on you! You basically got what you wanted and it seemed to work out well with you.


Spending 24 hours a day with a guy would drive me nuts, as I value time alone. What would you have done if the guy turned out to be incompatible? That would be a worry for me, too.



What exactly I did which was extremely awkward?


Don't forget that whole idea wasn't mine, it came from boy and at first glance I did not like it but decided to try just for fun.


My input was to haggle down his daily fees and to rent him separate room.


We spent a lot of time together but I did not feel restricted nor he did not make me feeling restricted  when I wanted to go my own way , not only to hunt for boys but also to meet other forum members. At no time  I have feeling he is absorbing too much of my time.


Time alone is necessary not only for mental sanity but also for wallet health, when we were together all expenses doubled right away, 2 drinks , 2 meals, 2 tickets etc.


I did not worry about incompatibility, offed him 2 times long time in Dec and we spent 3.5 nights together in PTY plus an afternoon at Sanctuary of Truth so I had some idea what I'm up to.


But this is legitimate concern, often kissable and huggable boy in the bar turns woody and in rush in the room.

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Day 9



We went to Mango Tree in soi 6 , restaurant of fame but my boys wanted steak which Mango doesn’t have on the menu. Lady there suggested some restaurant on Silom as it turned out known to Super A boy who lead us there.


Quite a classy place with sumptuous salad / soup buffet , 


On my last visit to Mango tree I think last November me and all of my friends found it wanting, not the the same quality and tastyness of the food as in the past. 


Which restaurant in Silom was that one for steak? If you don't know the name, maybe you can describe the exact location instead.

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Which restaurant in Silom was that one for steak? If you don't know the name, maybe you can describe the exact location instead.

I don't remember name,  boy from Super A lead us there since he knew location so I followed him as a sheep not paying attention as I'm not big on steaks.


It was roughly  across Silom soi 6 on Convent side of Silom, building is called CP tower or something like that and restaurant is on 2nd floor. It was some renovation done on first floor , you need to climb some stairs for 1 st floor , is not on street level exactly

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Day 14 ......" remaining 42 baht I gave to cleaning lady I passed by on my way to the aircraft ......... As usual I left happy and with busted budget"



Ha I love that you literally "busted your budget" right down to your last 42 baht ! lol   Now that's what I call spending right down to your last penny ( or Baht in this case) when on holiday lol - way to go there, as you sure as hell can't take it with you ! :-)

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Thanks vinapu, I have really enjoyed reading all your interesting reports from your recent trip. Also I really enjoyed meeting up with you in Pattaya and chatting and having our little bar crawl. I hope we can do it again in the future. It was a privilege to meet you.

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