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Impressions from NOv 2013 trip - massage places, regrets and waring signs

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What a slut :)

(Thank you for great tips on 4hand massage - something I'd like to try next visit)

Who is slut? Me? I'm man, my "Webster's " says 'slut-sexually promiscuous woman'


For fun value few things beats 4 hands massage so try it but I suggest to use steps above to choose your boys wisely.    

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I see , I'm subject of name calling, one is calling me 'slut ' another one  ' star. What a day ! It could be worse I guess LOL.


Anyways I'm glad to help out but no  post or thread beats personal experience so I encourage everybody to do own filed investigation and  to follow here with a post

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Guest Promsak

At the risk of being boring may  I add my thanks and appreciation to the many plaudits for your reoprt.

Just what these boards are for rather than bitching or uninformed political debate.


Looking forward to your next visit ---- how about one writers suggestion for a blog?

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At the risk of being boring may  I add my thanks and appreciation to the many plaudits for your report.

Just what these boards are for rather than bitching or uninformed political debate.


Looking forward to your next visit ---- how about one writers suggestion for a blog?

I'm glad few people  found it useful and entertaining perhaps, shamelessly I need to add even  I read this report from time to time just to bring memories - one of benefits of posting here, travel journal  is always available.


As for uninformed political debate - this is what democracy is about, uninformed masses voting and still lots of good coming out of this.


Bitching , if ignored dies of starvation for lack of audience.


I'm looking forward to my next visit too but still long wait till December, hope Santa will co-operate with funds.

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