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How to Get a Thai Driver's License - Article Revised

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One of the more popular articles that was on my former web site was "How to Get a Thai Driver's License." As of May 10, 2006 I have revised and updated the article. If you would like to have it, please feel free to send me an E-mail at gaybutton@gmail.com . I will be happy to send you a copy of that article, or any other articles, that appeared on my web site.


Also, you may not be aware of this: As of March 16, the daily fine for over-staying your visa was raised to 500 baht per day. Prior to that it was 200 baht per day. Don't forget, if you are ever caught over-staying your visa before you voluntarily report to the Immigration Police office or are leaving the country at the airport, you are going to be in for a big problem. Also, now they make a note in your passport that you over-stayed, even if you voluntarily report it.

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