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Guest fountainhall

More Vatican Gay Revelations

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Guest fountainhall

Having already been informed about a “gay lobby” within the Vatican in a document passed to him by his predecessor, Pope Francis finally admitted its existence recently in leaked notes of a private conversation with Catholic Officials at the Latin American Conference of Religious. Handing this was “difficult”, Francis is alleged to have said, adding that alongside “holy people”, there was also a “stream of corruption” in the Vatican.

Last week new allegation surfaced.

. . .a convicted paedophile priest, Patrizio Poggi, named nine fellow prelates in Rome as part of a secret band who used a police officer to supply them with eastern European rent boys.

By Friday Poggi was under arrest, accused of defamation, as investigators claimed he had invented the whole story to take revenge on fellow priests who stood by when he was found guilty of abusing children.

On Thursday the anti-paedophile campaigner Francesco Zanardi posted a taped conversation on his website in which an informant told him about alleged secret sex parties inside the Vatican involving 14-year-old male prostitutes and cardinals, as well as rented apartments in Rome where prelates kept a supply of young men.

The man, who claimed to be involved in organising the parties, said he wanted to expose the Holy See's own "bunga bunga" scene, offering to supply photos and videos taken by the prostitutes and telling Zanardi:: "I can give you a hand."

"He named two cardinals … and the details he supplied stood up," Zanardi said. He bleeped out the names on the online recording, but has supplied all details to prosecutors, who have opened an investigation.

"In another call, the man put me in touch with one of the boys, who had just turned 18 … I talked to him and believed his story. He was known as 'the blond' and was one cardinal's favourite, but when I urged him to go to the police, he just said: 'It's my living.'"


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