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And the List Goes On

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I would predict that there will be a large number of states that won't approve gay marriage for a very long time and there likely will be problems because of the varying laws - especially if the Supreme Court doesn't rule that one state must recognize as valid a marriage approved by another state.  And, generally, those states are the majority "red" states.  Bible thumpers and Republicans won't generally bend on this issue.


Eventually, either all the states need to come on board on this issue or the Supreme Court must ultimately rule that constitutionally that the states cannot treat a same-sex couple any different than a straight couple.  That's not likely in the near future.

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It is possible Minnesota will be the 12 very soon!


I agree with most of what you say Bob but I do have high hopes that the Supremes will rule favorably on this issue. Notice I say high hopes only as I do think it will be very close.

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Guest scottishguy

NIrish would you please keep on topic!


We are talking on a Gay Thailand Forum about Gay Marriage!!


So the Millie Small hit "My Boy Lollipop" is far more appropriate!!!



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