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Guest fountainhall

Facebook Users - Warning!

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Guest fountainhall

If you are one of the zillions who use Facebook – beware! Frank Abagnale, the con man made famous by Steven Spielberg’s movie “Catch Me If You Can”, has warned that if you put your date of birth and where you were born on your Facebook page  –

“I’m 98% (of the way) to stealing your identity.”


He also advises Facebook users never to place a passport type photo as a profile picture on their page, and instead to use group photos.

“A readily available programme, which Abagnale said is owned by Google, uses facial recognition that can match an individual with their personal information on the social networking website "in just seven seconds".


"What [people] say on a Facebook page stays with them," he said. "Every time you say you 'like' or 'don't like' you are telling someone [things like] your sexual orientation, ethnic background, voting record."


Abagnale said that while it was common to see companies such as Facebook being criticised for privacy issues in the media, it is up to people to take action to keep their data private.


"Your privacy is the only thing you have left," he said. "Don't blame all the other companies – Google, Facebook – you control it. You have to keep control of your own information."


Is Abagnale a Facebook user? No! His three sons are, but he has taught them how to use it safely and carefully.



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Guest Jovianmoon

I may be only just pushing 40, but I don't hold with all of these new fangled social networking thingies like MyFace and SpaceBook.


As my dear departed grandmother used to say, if you want to contact me, send me a good old-fashioned email.

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I'm not a member of Facebook and don't intend to join.


However, something is badly wrong when some businesses have their only web presence as a Facebook page. 

I have the choice between joining up to Facebook or taking my business elsewhere.  So far, it's always been the latter.


These enormously powerful internet corporations are very much a mixed blessing.

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