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Guest thaiworthy

Hindsight In A Gay Perspective

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Guest thaiworthy

timmberty, that was unkind. You have just earned troll status in my view, so I can see there's no point in responding to you. Enjoy your so-called life.

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as for the plastic bit .. yuu are in love with beachlover.. someone who exhists only in their own mind, so i'll reserve the right to think on that a bit more.


I have never been in love with beachlover.  I have always been in love with any posters ability to post on message boards unless rules are broken.  Some may disagree with the rules being broken bit. But, I have never seen the need to ban or remove posters from websites.  And, that does mean beachlover and LMTU.  If I didn't like their posts, I didn't read them.  But, I have never seen the point to banning anyone.  Sorry, that for you means I am plastic? 

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Guest timmberty

you know what michael ive changed my mind, i dont think you are plastic at all i think you are a rather strong character, either that or a stubbon old git ... maybe they are both the same, but well done .. you still fancy bechy tho !!

if you dont know why ive changed my mind dont ask.

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Guest fountainhall

why didnt you tell us that michael and FH where your children ?? you are amoungst friends you can be open and honest here.


Aw shucks! Now everyone knows who I am!  :startle:

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