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Guest fountainhall

Pop Icons: School Photo Quiz

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I know #1 and #4 & #5 (won't say the names as it's early in the game) but am not sure of #2 and #3. Somewhat wild guesses for #2 (maybe front man for the "bra-dtuu?") and for #3 (sorta looks like a former "nak-krueng-bin").


The guy in #5, though, clearly would like to use a wrecking ball on you for posting that goofy photo.

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I was guessing Jim Morrison for #2 ("bra-dtuu" means Door in Thai). You could be right on #3 although my wild guess was John Denver. I think you're dead wrong, though, on #5 and maybe you ought to go out and have a cheesesteak sandwich or something. And I do believe #4 bought her daddy a vinyard.

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I've not heard of ANY of the names listed by Khor Tose.


However, I did once see a similarly named star called Kurt Cobain playing live for Nirvana.........

As for the rest of them, no idea.

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Guest fountainhall

z909 - you are showing your age. Or perhaps I should say, lack of it! Whereas Bob and KhorTose are of a more mature vintage. Kudos to Bob who got most correct, despite his seemingly pong-like descriptions :o . The answers are -


Photo 1 – Janis Joplin

Photo 2 – Jim Morrison

Photo 3 – Kurt Cobain

Photo 4 – Madonna

Photo 5 – Bruce Springsteen

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Kudos to Bob who got most correct, despite his seemingly pong-like descriptions


Well, there's always Khun Thaiworthy and his enigma machine! The "wrecking ball" comment comes from the name of Springsteen's latest album and Madonna actually did buy her daddy (Mr. Cicilli - if I have the spelling right) a vinyard very close to my home in the midwest USA. I totally missed the Cobain photo but somewhat recognized him once Khun Khortose said the name (but it is hard tfor me to believe that the cute smiling waif in the photo turned out to be "the" Kurt Cobain).

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