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Smart Phones for Travel

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I currently operate a basic push button phone, but may move to a smartphone.


Considering use of the smartphone for travel (no call contracts):


1 Are there reasonable Pay as You Go SIM options with reasonable data download costs?

The whole idea of having such a phone would be for browsing, map applications etc.


2 Do any of the smartphones have dual SIM capability?

(For homecountry & destination SIM cards, I currently take 2 small pushbutton phones, which use the same very light USB charger. Purchasing 2 smartphones would be expensive).


Presumably some of the early adopters might have experience of these issues?

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No, I checked all the top smartphones out before I bought my Galaxy II, and none have a dual Sim card,. I think the progblem is that in most markets you can buy a roaming connection with an international 800 number for less then it would cost to have dual sims on your phone. I keep my smartphone when I travel and use cheap phones with my partner or just buy new sim cards. Depends on where I am going and how long I will be there.

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