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Thailand 2012

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Spent 3 nights in BKK. Not much to report there because I can't seem to drag myself to Soi Twilight at 300 baht for water(can't even get Diet Coke). Just too many boys on my phone to be bothered with those prices. I did stop to eat dinner at Diamonds which was Richards off Silom. Place is the same and menu is the same. Ordered a couple of Thai dishes and they were very good if a bit westernized. Service was good so not such a bad place for a quick meal. The holiday weekend left almost no massage boys on the streets of Silom so it was pretty boring except for Patpong.


Arrived in Pattaya today. And again my phone is full of boys but I did go out on a scouting mission although a short one. My firsts stop was Splash Boys which is the old Gentlemens Club. Got there at 945. 12 boys and 10 customers. I would say average looking boys and despite some recent comments about the boys being young, I do not agree. In fact I did not see one boy who by any chance I would have checked his id. Average age appeared to be 25 or older.


Show started promptly at 10pm and lasted 20 minutes. It is an erotic show with suds and water. It is very well done and in the low light and strobes the boys became 5 years younger. LOL My water was 145 baht. Music was at great level for conversation


Then on to Cupidol. About 12 boys and again 10 customers. Again pretty average except for 2 rather masculine boys with nice faces. IMHO Water 140 baht and music at proper level.


Stuck my head in Lucky 7 which was a disaster, 6 boys and 2 customers.(it used to be such a good bar)..


Walked past the Show Bar with their Ladyboy Lip Synchs going on. They appeared to have few customers. Panorama, Oscars etc all had nice crowds and Boys and Copa appeared to be dead although I did not look. Stuck my head in Toy Boys and again 6 boys and no customers.


More later in the week from the busy Bars , Happy Place and Funny Boys. And yes Sunee Bars!


Next night


OK so I did the Sunee run for all you guys in cold weather or planning to arrive soon.


First in the interest of full disclosure , let me tell you my preferences in boys in case I am showing my prejudices which I try not to do. I prefer the younger(but legal) look although certainly not exclusively. I am not attracted to Ladyboys but have no problem with a slightly feminine gay boy. Athletic bodies are a plus but the most important thing to me is the Face. If the boy is super cute to handsome in the face not much else makes a difference to me. Now everything I say about the looks of the boys are personal opinions and you may or may not agree with me. And of course tomorrow the boys on offer may have changed.


First stop was New Sawatdee at a very early 845pm. Easy to see what the Buzz is about . It started at the door with a very good looking door man and continued inside. 10 boys not one of which I would not take home. Been a long time since I felt that way in Pattaya. Now before I would have taken any of them home, I would have been very careful to check their id because they were all definitely on the young side. I have no idea and my old eyes betray me now days but I would check for sure. They may all be legal and that would not surprise me but better to be careful. It was very slow when I first went in but picked up by the time I was leaving at 915. Energy was good and the muscic at a proper level. My water was 120 baht as were all the Bars I visited.


Next was Euroboys. Basically the same layout as before but with seating on each side. A dozen boys also on the younger side and not one I would have taken. Hard to believe but the faces on the boys at Sawatdee were just much better IMHO. 10 customers and a dozen boy. Energy level was very low , mainly the shuffle not at all what Euroboys used to be. New management take notice energy is what made Euroboys fun with lots of dancing. None of that on display tonight. Music level was ok.


Next was Eros. Big disappointment for me. In October they had a good mix of boys , many of whom played with each other and tried to have fun with the patrons. Tonight it was 12 boys on the older side 25 and up I would guess ,and not very attractive to these eyes. Just average looking boys. Music was way too loud.


Next Mic My where we are back to the younger smaller look. 14 or more boys and energy was decent. There were some very cute boys but again be careful to check ids. Music level was ok.


Last Niceboys. In Sunee they always have the most boys and the widest variety. 20-25 boy and the most customers by far at about 20. Something for every one young and old, big and small , masculine and Ladyboys. The variety is too much for me , I never seem to be able to focus on any one boy. However there is no doubt this is the most successful Bar in Sunee.


Most of the Beer Bars were very busy and in many cases may have the best looking boys at least with their clothes on. Tomorrow a report on the new show at Happy Place and probably a visit to Funnyboys.


By the way I still find cuter boys on Gayromeo and in many cases see them in the bars later in my visit. That happened to me 3 times tonight and in each of the cases they still would have attracted me in the Bars. But I got them with no off fees, no 120 baht for water etc etc etc. The go go bars with few exceptions are just not as much fun as they used to be and for me they make up only a small part of my visit and assignations.

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The go go bars with few exceptions are just not as much fun as they used to be and for me they make up only a small part of my visit and assignations.

What a shame. Seems like it's a vicious circle going on here, less fun bars equals less customers equals lower profits equals disheartened owners equals unmotivated boys. Maybe others have a more intellectual grasp of the situation but that's how I read it.


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thanks for the report-or at least the efforts to write it all down. after perhaps having read too much of them- what it appears to me-not been into PTY since many yrs-is that reports hardly have any value for next month-boys change so frequently or maybe the bars change their crew every month or so-that any report tends to have hardly any value. Except that old standby BBB which stillhas the same crew as in 1999 or so. Yes-it is also by now commony known that most PTY-boys pretty soon after they come there also come into the GR network to drum up more custom. And prices have gone up too-again!

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Great report Firecat! Thanks. It seems like you are having a good time as always and enjoying life. I have always been impressed with your ability to hook up on GayRomeo and find cute guys wherever you go. Out of curiosity now, I know you were in Colombia recently and hooked up there. What would you say is the major difference in hooking up on GR in the two countries? Are there more barriers in one over the other?

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Great report Firecat! Thanks. It seems like you are having a good time as always and enjoying life. I have always been impressed with your ability to hook up on GayRomeo and find cute guys wherever you go. Out of curiosity now, I know you were in Colombia recently and hooked up there. What would you say is the major difference in hooking up on GR in the two countries? Are there more barriers in one over the other?


Much easier in Thailand The Thai boys look at it as a job and are online almost every day so messages get answered. The Colombia boys some time don't check in for a week. Also I would say 75% of the boys on Gayromeo especially in Pattaya are there to make money so there is no problem in assuming you will have Sex. Many of the Colombian boys are actually surprised when you mention money although many warm to the idea rather fast.


Of course my experience in Colombia is still very limited. The boy I met who speaks fluent English tells me manhunt is the thing to use in Colombia and he says he'll prove it to me next trip. LOL

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