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Two Mass Graves - 169 Missing Red Shirts?

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Two Mass Graves


I'm not one to normally paste a news clipping but this one caught my eye. The link is to a ThaiVisa story about an article in the Nation.


Having followed most of the news stories of the events of the protests, etc., I don't recall seeing any claims by the Redshirts that there were a lot of "missing" people. And, if one believes the Abbot in the story - that two men brought in all the bodies - that stinks to high heaven.


If it actually turns out that these are redshirt corpses, somebody ought to hang for this.


[Edit: I've tried to find this story in the online edition of the Nation but, so far, I can't. That puzzles me a bit given I would think this would be one of the top stories of the day.]

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Guest fountainhall

I've tried to find this story in the online edition of the Nation but, so far, I can't. That puzzles me a bit given I would think this would be one of the top stories of the day.

Unless they came to the realisation it was fiction! Can't find it in the on-line Bangkok Post. In The Nation on-line edition, there is now just a very small entry which includes this comment -


"the temples' abbots said the bodies were understood to be tsunami victims from Chumphon."


Seems some red shirt sympathiser might be trying to make up a juicy news story.

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I couldn't find it in the Bangkok Post either....but the Thai Visa copy reflects it as a Nation story of 8/19/11 (today!). Because the story was so provocative, I thought it wise to at least find the original story and, as noted, so far I can't. Maybe a fake story or the Nation simply deleted it? Hell if I know.


Edit: Just found at least a follow-up story in the Nation (the army chief saying that people shouldn't jump to conclusions yet):

Nation Story


Tsunami victims? Why the heck would they transport bodies from the south all the way over to Rayong Province? Couldn't somebody fairly quickly tell the difference between a body that's been buried for 15 months from one that's been buried for 5-6 years? Something is strange here.

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