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14 hours ago, Moses said:

dreams... dreams... but they give hopes to desperate Ukrainians... country without economic and almost without males...

Talk about desperate - have you seen Putin sweat this past week? Running around the country, trying to raise support. It is a shame so many people have been killed to prove what we already knew...the Russian war machine is made of paper. It turns out the big red Russian bear has no claws. Their tanks have thin armor, their rockets only strike on target 33% of the time, their troops carry paintball padding as body armor and their much hailed stealth fighter is less stealthy than an F/A 18 Hornet that dates from the previous millennium. Ukraine has been kicking their butts with previous generation equipment...just think what current generation NATO equipment would do to them. It makes one wonder if their nukes are even a real threat... which is probably why everyone is ignoring all those "red line" threats and the red line keeps getting pushed.  

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1 hour ago, KeepItReal said:

Running around the country, trying to raise support.

You have no idea what you are writing about and follow Western propaganda.

Putin visited Beslan because in a few days there will be 20 years since tragedy on Sep 1st 2004, when Islamic terrorist killed 334 of almost 1200 hostages, most of whom were kids.


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8 hours ago, Moses said:

NATO will never participate in this conflict - nobody wants WW III

Well, they are participating, though not with their own troops, of course. And what's this about WWIII? Do you really think Belarus and Kazakhstan would help you out if NATO gets fully involved? Or maybe the mighty forces of Kyrgystan and Armenia? 😄😄


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2 hours ago, unicorn said:

Or maybe the mighty forces of Kyrgystan and Armenia

Why should I think about these armies. Doctrine NATO declares what NATO is defensive union. Since Ukraine is not a member NATO, it can't be treated as countries who are members. It will be used and then putted to trash as used condom. USA just 2 years ago ran from Afghanistan and abandoned there local loyal govt, which failed in 24 hours after it. At past the same situation was with Vietnam. Nothing new. US not a first time betrays allies, and not last.

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5 hours ago, reader said:

Regrettable that he lacks same remorse for the great number of Ukraine kids that he's slain in their homes, schools and hospitals

Oh, you want to talk about kids? Well, why your tongue was in your ass when Ukrainian Nazi killed Russian kids in 2014-2022 at the eastern Ukraine?

"Valley of Angels" in Donbass region:


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1 hour ago, Moses said:

Why should I think about these armies. Doctrine NATO declares what NATO is defensive union. Since Ukraine is not a member NATO, it can't be treated as countries who are members. It will be used and then putted to trash as used condom. USA just 2 years ago ran from Afghanistan and abandoned there local loyal govt, which failed in 24 hours after it. At past the same situation was with Vietnam. Nothing new. US not a first time betrays allies, and not last.

Wow. You honestly don't remember that Russia abandoned its (unelected) puppet government in Afghanistan? Maybe you might want to get evaluated for dementia?

A man with his head in his hands. Old people's home dementia man, people. -  PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine Public Domain Search

The US supported the establishment of democratically elected governments in Afghanistan and Vietnam, and provided the democratic governments with training and support for as long as it was tenable. When it became clear that the people would not fight for themselves to save democracy in their own countries, the US withdrew its support. Now both countries are corrupt dictatorships, especially the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, where women have trouble getting even an education, much less a job.


"...In August 2021, the Taliban returned to power and established a new all-male government. The interim government has not been recognized internationally, since the international community linked recognition to respect for women's and minority rights.[89] Despite repeated assurances by the Taliban that women's rights would be respected, severe restrictions have been placed on their access to education and work. In some areas, the Taliban forced women to stop working altogether.[90] The Taliban's policy on women's right to work is unclear. Taliban deputy prime minister, Abdul Salam Hanafi, has said that the Taliban are "trying to provide working conditions for women in the sector where they are needed, according to Islamic law". This seems to allow women to work in certain sectors under certain restrictions.[62] Education in lower grades resumed only in classes segregated by gender. In higher grades (7 through 12) and at the university level, classes for girls and women have been suspended. On 27 September, the new chancellor of Kabul University, Mohammad Ashraf Ghairat, announced that women were not allowed to return to university to either study or work...".


At least Vietnam has recently been ruled by people who are sane and intelligent, which I can't say is true for the Russian Federation (or the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan or Belarus). 

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25 minutes ago, unicorn said:

Wow. You honestly don't remember that Russia abandoned its (unelected) puppet government in Afghanistan? Maybe you might want to get evaluated for dementia?

A man with his head in his hands. Old people's home dementia man, people. -  PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine Public Domain Search

The US supported the establishment of democratically elected governments in Afghanistan and Vietnam, and provided the democratic governments with training and support for as long as it was tenable. When it became clear that the people would not fight for themselves to save democracy in their own countries, the US withdrew its support. Now both countries are corrupt dictatorships, especially the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, where women have trouble getting even an education, much less a job.


"...In August 2021, the Taliban returned to power and established a new all-male government. The interim government has not been recognized internationally, since the international community linked recognition to respect for women's and minority rights.[89] Despite repeated assurances by the Taliban that women's rights would be respected, severe restrictions have been placed on their access to education and work. In some areas, the Taliban forced women to stop working altogether.[90] The Taliban's policy on women's right to work is unclear. Taliban deputy prime minister, Abdul Salam Hanafi, has said that the Taliban are "trying to provide working conditions for women in the sector where they are needed, according to Islamic law". This seems to allow women to work in certain sectors under certain restrictions.[62] Education in lower grades resumed only in classes segregated by gender. In higher grades (7 through 12) and at the university level, classes for girls and women have been suspended. On 27 September, the new chancellor of Kabul University, Mohammad Ashraf Ghairat, announced that women were not allowed to return to university to either study or work...".


At least Vietnam has recently been ruled by people who are sane and intelligent, which I can't say is true for the Russian Federation (or the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan or Belarus). 

Or Venezuela. 

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2 hours ago, unicorn said:

Wow. You honestly don't remember that Russia abandoned its (unelected) puppet government in Afghanistan? Maybe you might want to get evaluated for dementia?

A man with his head in his hands. Old people's home dementia man, people. -  PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine Public Domain Search

The US supported the establishment of democratically elected governments in Afghanistan and Vietnam, 


Let's not exxagerate about Ngo Dinh Diem democratic credentials and don't forget that quite often undemocratically elected governments have overwhelming support of their population. Without election  and free press is only hard to measure extend of that actual support. 

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11 hours ago, KeepItReal said:

..just think what current generation NATO equipment would do to them. It makes one wonder if their nukes are even a real threat... which is probably why everyone is ignoring all those "red line" threats and the red line keeps getting pushed.  

Better we don't push to test value of NATO armaments. War is terrible thing whether you are on losing or winning side. After WW II Berlin and Warsaw were equally destroyed just to name capitals of countries, where it all started. 

It would be nice if warmongers like Moses remembered that although we need to remember that he really doesn't have a choice if he cherishes his freedom. No doubt every Russian keeps in mind fate of  Nemcov, Politkovska, Navalny and countless others who tried to cross their bandit government. 

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1 hour ago, vinapu said:

Let's not exxagerate about Ngo Dinh Diem democratic credentials and don't forget that quite often undemocratically elected governments have overwhelming support of their population. Without election  and free press is only hard to measure extend of that actual support. 

I was thinking more about Nguyễn Văn Thiệu. I thought he was democratically elected, although, based on your post, I looked it up, and it appears the election was generally considered fraudulent. I can only hope the intention was to set up democratic elections. This was all before my time, as I was a young boy at the end of the Vietnam War (which, in Vietnam, they call the American War 😉, having spent 10 days there in early 2023. The elections which were held in Afghanistan between the Taliban Emirates were generally considered free and fair. As you pointed out, there are many ways to rig elections, including control of the press, or simply killing one's opponents, as Putin does. 

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4 hours ago, unicorn said:

I was thinking more about Nguyễn Văn Thiệu. I thought he was democratically elected, although, based on your post, I looked it up, and it appears the election was generally considered fraudulent. I can only hope the intention was to set up democratic elections. This was all before my time, as I was a young boy at the end of the Vietnam War (which, in Vietnam, they call the American War 😉


Unfortunately we tend to overlook electoral infraction by our friends and exagerate those by our enemies. We rarely if ever hear about irregularities in India or Guatemala but often before actual elections we hear about rigged ones in Belarus or Nicaragua. World is not a fair place, sigh. 

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There are also Nazis in the Russian Federation and the USA. Doesn't mean their leaders are Nazis... 🙄 The narrative of Nazis running Ukraine has been completely debunked. 


"...So the fact is that many of the claims about alleged "Ukrainian Nazis" are invented, or misleading. But the narrative persists because Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian propagandists are constantly spreading false information.

Even in his speech (here subjected to a DW fact check) shortly before Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine in late February, Putin spoke of Russia having to "denazify" Ukraine. So-called denazification is a historical term that has to do with the policy of the victorious Allied powers toward Nazi Germany after World War II. They wanted to rid the country of Nazi influences and remove those associated with the ideology from office.

But the comparison with Ukraine does not hold up, Andreas Umland, an analyst at the Stockholm Center for Eastern European Studies told DW back in February. "The president of Ukraine is a Russian-speaking Jew, who won the last presidential election against a non-Jewish Ukrainian candidate by a huge margin," he said, adding that the talk of Nazism in Ukraine was completely unfounded.

Umland said that although there were right-wing extremists groups in Ukraine, they were relatively weak in comparison with many European countries. "We had a unity front of all the right-wing radical parties at the last [EU] parliamentary elections in 2019, and that unity front received 2.15%," he said...". 




St. Petersburg:


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