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Transwoman arrested for murder of uni student

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From The Thaiger

Police arrested a Thai transwoman in the northern province of Nakhon Sawan for the murder of a university student at a dormitory in Nonthaburi province, Bangkok. The suspect claimed that financial issues motivated her crime.

The 22 year old university student, Wissawa “Sun” Tamprasit, was found dead in his room on the sixth floor of a dormitory in Nonthaburi province on Wednesday, August 7. He was stabbed in the chest and was cut on his chin and right eyebrow before being burned in the room.

Officers from Rattanathibet Police Station reviewed security camera footage and spotted a suspicious individual entering the dormitory room with Sun. The officers then tracked down and identified the person as 21 year old transwoman Nattawut “Nut” Anto.

Nut returned to her home province of Nakhon Sawan after the murder. Police issued an arrest warrant for her and coordinated with Khao Bor Kaew Police Station to arrest Nut at her home yesterday, August 8.

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42 minutes ago, reader said:

Odd to you perhaps but another case of transwomen committing crimes in LOS.

Are you? Not likely. This topic denotes a thought crime in my land of sanity, not to mention your robbing my time in the interests of refuting your cray-cray indefensible theories and supporting a BKK friend. 

Be a good boy and look up the estimated proportion of transgendered within the nation’s population, annual overall homicides, and the number of murders that would be committed by transgendered persons if the ratios and predisposition to competed homicide were to be similar.

Then we can talk in an objective non-stereotyping manner, that is, my manner. I’ll even transparently conduct a Chi-squared test analyzing the assumption of no difference and hold it up to scrutiny. 

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5 minutes ago, reader said:

Doesn't get more violent than murder,

Correct. Thousands of needless deaths annually. I’m sad for them and for your sad bull-headed bias.

Whatever’s in my pocket is always unhappy to see a fake-news manipulator.

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1 hour ago, Riobard said:

Whatever’s in my pocket is always unhappy to see a fake-news manipulator.

Be comforted to know that your typical posts can all be filed under "flake" news.😄

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45 minutes ago, reader said:

Be comforted to know that your typical posts can all be filed under "flake" news.😄

And yours in the lightweight filing cabinet under this. 


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15. The answer is 15. It would take 15 murders of a year by transpersons to convincingly demonstrate a higher rate of homicide compared to the cisgender population, according to the conventional standard of statistical chance. 14 is not statistically significant. (Attached below)

Owing to the idiosyncrasies of statistical analysis the threshold number over 5 years is less, 11.5 annually (57 total). However, it is unlikely that a dozen a year is in the cards. 

Perhaps these calculations can go some distance in tamping down the pearl-clutching cherry-picking trend of select articles for entry here. It smacks of transphobia and anti-science. The media do not specifically reference an accused that represents the cisgender majority. 


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54 minutes ago, unicorn said:

 unnecessarily impugns criminality on the trans community, while entirely failing to show a factual (statistical) link. I find it rather offensive. 

I call attention to crimes--among them murder--by specific transgender individuals as a service to members. Readers have a right to be aware of what's happening.  That does not impugn transgenders who are not committing crimes. You're free to find that offensive but others, who could become potential victims, may well be thankful for the information. 

And in every case, I cite the source of the report.


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12 minutes ago, reader said:

I call attention to crimes--among them murder--by specific transgender individuals as a service to members....

Why are you reporting crimes by trans individuals and not those crimes by cis individuals?

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Consider the situation in in Pattaya where unsolicited physical advances by ladyboys on the street frequently (as reported in local media) result in snatching of gold chains, watches and other possessions from passers by oblivious to the threat. If members are aware of that, they are in a better position not to become victims. This seems to be a specialty of the criminal element in the transgender community.

I agree that any unsolicited physical advance is reason for concern but what gets reported are crimes by ladyboys. I have no control over that.


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4 minutes ago, reader said:

Consider the situation in in Pattaya where unsolicited physical advances by ladyboys on the street frequently (as reported in local media) result in snatching of gold chains, watches and other possessions from passers by oblivious to the threat. If members are aware of that, they are in a better position not to become victims. This seems to be a specialty of the criminal element in the transgender community.

I agree that any unsolicited physical advance is reason for concern but what gets reported are crimes by ladyboys. I have no control over that.

I still don't get how posting the name, but not the photo, of the suspect is at all helpful. Even if a member were to click the link to the article, the photo of the suspect is blurred and therefore unrecognizable. Or are you saying that trans women should be under increased suspicion? You certainly don't provide any statistics to back up that assertion. 

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I'm saying that transgender women are reported as frequent perpetrators. If you can find statistics to the contrary from police or legal authorities, by all means post them. 

If I was coming to visit Pattaya, I would want to be aware of unsolicited physical advances leading to theft and who has been making them. You may not like that but you would not like becoming a victim even more.

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3 hours ago, reader said:

I'm saying that transgender women are reported as frequent perpetrators. If you can find statistics to the contrary from police or legal authorities, by all means post them...

You're the one making the claim that trans women are "frequent perpetrators," not me. Therefore, you're the one with the burden of proof (and reporting about a single individual certainly does not meet that burden of proof), not me. That being said, @Riobard's prior post seems to refute your claim. Posting statistics showing a heightened danger regarding trans women could be helpful (if it were truthful, of course). Reporting a single incident involving a faceless trans woman is not. I agree with being cautious regarding "being aware of unsolicited physical advances leading to theft," in general. However, your original post is not helpful in distinguishing the more from the less dangerous. It might be helpful with respect to the one person were the photo displayed, but your post did not. Maligning an entire community based on one person simply constitutes stereotyping. Trump would be proud.

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Sorry, Unicorn, nothing in your appeal holds up to scrutiny.

First, You're claiming that certain transgender women aren't frequent perps so the burden of that burden of proof rests on you. And the sheer frequency of news reports refutes it. And I've reported numerous accounts with sources always cited.

Second, Riobard (who you've described as a "loon") posted wholly incomprehensible "proof" above that is impossible to make heads or tails out of. Never cites actual numbers or sources of numbers. No one knows what it says. Just photos of bunches of numbers.

Third, consider this statement in your post above:

"However, your original post is not helpful in distinguishing the more from the less dangerous. It might be helpful with respect to the one person were the photo displayed, but your post did not."

The OP was about a transgender woman who murdered her victim. I think that qualifies as "more" dangerous, not less. And then you protest the absence of her photograph. Sorry, but I wasn't the officer who booked her or I would have snapped a pic for you.

Fourth, I'm not maligning the transgender community; it's those doing the crimes who are creating the stereotype.




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2 hours ago, reader said:

fourth, I'm not maligning the transgender community; it's those doing the crimes who are creating the stereotype.



I know that one statistic sample is not base for hypothesis but nevertheless in my 33 trips to Thailand only once I felt bit physically threatened   and it was by ladyboy ,in broad daylight  when I took shortcut toward Big Buddha hill . Nothing happened other then very visible glances over my pockets and few quite invasive questions like " why you are walking alone, where's your friend ? " but it did not make impression of friendly exchange, rather sounded like interrogation,  so for my personal use I try to avoid them in rather empty places, day or night

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5 hours ago, reader said:


First, You're claiming that certain transgender women aren't frequent perps ...

No, I'm not. You're lying here. I never said they are more or not more frequent perps. I have no idea. What I said is that you should not make such a claim yourself without more solid evidence.

5 hours ago, reader said:


Second, Riobard (who you've described as a "loon") posted wholly incomprehensible "proof" above that is impossible to make heads or tails out of. Never cites actual numbers or sources of numbers. No one knows what it says. Just photos of bunches of numbers.


Well, you do have a point there about his mysterious sources, and about his usually being loony and incomprehensible.

5 hours ago, reader said:


Third, consider this statement in your post above:

"However, your original post is not helpful in distinguishing the more from the less dangerous. It might be helpful with respect to the one person were the photo displayed, but your post did not."

The OP was about a transgender woman who murdered her victim. I think that qualifies as "more" dangerous, not less...

Complete obfuscation. My comment obviously referred to your insinuation that trans women are more dangerous than cis (or other), not to the fact that murders are more dangerous than those who don't murder, which is also pretty obvious. Duh.

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I'm going to try to diffuse our disagreements before we succeed in boring the board to tears.

I don't believe all transgenders are dangerous. A relatively small minority, however, find their way into the local news. In many accounts that I've read, the cops quickly find the culprits because they are repeat offenders. They pay a small fine (typically 1,000 baht) and are released to try their luck again.

Then there are those, like two recent cases in Bangkok,who have proven themselves very dangerous.

I believe that the majority of transgenders are honest and try their best to make their way in the greater gay community. They may have regular jobs and some find employment in the bars and massage shops. Some members have developed friendships with them and enjoy seeing them regularly.

Let's hope that there are increasingly fewer cases of reported crimes going forward.



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On 8/16/2024 at 8:31 AM, reader said:

I'm going to try to diffuse our disagreements before we succeed in boring the board to tears.

That express train to Makesmenarcolepticstan left the station ages ago and you’re first conductor.

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