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16 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

That makes more sense.  Trump no doubt thought it was a bullet.  But it's hard to imagine if it struck his ear it would not have done more damage.

Thank God the shooter missed.  An assassination would have plunged us into true chaos.  All the grown ups are denouncing political violence.  Hopefully this cools down some of the violent rhetoric being used.

You're telling us this was an assassination attempt on Trump's teleprompter?  That's making more sense. 

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TRUMPS assassination attempt on our government and Democracy on Jan 6th -  "No Big Whoop", Tourist event

BUT, an assassination attempt on Trump - OMG, the right is losing their mind.  The world is coming to an end

One thing is NOT like the other, in Their minds,  BUT it should be !    

Sorry Donald, you taught America how to do this.  NO sympathy for you !   Not even Thoughts & Prayers.

(now go pick out your head bandages for the RNC. You really want to WOW the crowd) 


"How's THIS Mr Trump ?"

443 Cartoon Bandages Stock Photos, High-Res Pictures, and Images - Getty  Images

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Apparently, Trumps Pennsylvania rally lunacy has turned out to be sort of a git to President Biden.   Media sources have turned their attention away from the topic of Biden being replaced,  and by the time they back back to THAT topic, it will be too late for the Dems to actually replace him....   Although, we dont know what conversations are still going on in the Dems camp.     Hopefully the Dems can make some lemonade out of the lemons Trump and his team just gave them,  if they even know how to do that ?  

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11 minutes ago, Suckrates said:


Apparently, Trumps Pennsylvania rally lunacy has turned out to be sort of a git to President Biden.   Media sources have turned their attention away from the topic of Biden being replaced,  and by the time they back back to THAT topic, it will be too late for the Dems to actually replace him....   Although, we dont know what conversations are still going on in the Dems camp.     Hopefully the Dems can make some lemonade out of the lemons Trump and his team just gave them,  if they even know how to do that ?  

I hope there will be a full review by Secret Service, FBI and whatever other law enforcement agencies needed to figure out how this was able to happen, so it doesn't happen again. 

The Biden Administration has an opportunity here to take charge of the narrative, and provide a non-politicized conspiracy soak (FOX opinion's forte) explanation. 

The big issue here is gun violence as the unique American pandemic that it is. The defeated former President is a data point in the thousands of mass shooting, school slaughters, and movie theatre massacres that is the "normal" promoted by the NRA and MAGA extremists.

Trump didn't deserve to be assassinated. He deserves to be defeated, again, by the majority of voting Americans who reject his incompetence and hate promotion.  

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Donald Trump: In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand united, and show our true character as Americans . . .

Melania Trump: This morning, ascend above the hate, the vitriol, and the simple-minded ideas that ignite violence . . .

Donald Trump, Jr: (my father) will never stop fighting to save America, no matter what the radical left throws at him . . .


I'm glad husband and wife are on the same page today and hope to hear similar messages in the days and weeks ahead.  It would be nice if they could also bring Trump's firstborn under the tent.  Divisiveness has brought us where we are today and continued divisiveness will take us further down a predictable road.

There are 434 million guns in the US right now, including 23 million AR-15's.  It's foolish to believe that anyone who circulates in crowds is out of range of a weapon that can kill at a distance of 300-400 feet.  Congress can harass the Secret Service and the FBI all they like, but someone with an AR-15 and the intent to kill will find a way through.

As far as I can tell, it's the intent to kill that needs to be throttled back.  We can all see that social media algorithms have been designed to amplify - rather than reduce - the fear and dislike of "the other".  Once a divisive message is sent, there's no limit to how many will receive it.  And, just based on the odds, some who receive the message will attempt to act on it and will have the means to do so.

Rather than wait for the next bullet to strike, I'd encourage us all to stop receiving and passing along divisive messages.  At best, they clutter our brains with toxins and, at worst, they get amplified and push someone over the edge to violence.

I'm not suggesting we all turn into Pollyanna.



What I am suggesting is that next time someone makes a divisive comment, either ignore it or just call it out as divisive and let it drop.  Without the feedback loop, these messages can fade into background noise and eventually die out. Until social media algorithms are tuned to filter out divisive messages, perhaps we could start doing it ourselves.  I think even a little bit would help.🤞

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I think this Donald Trump stunt has done exactly what he wanted it to, it has made us lose sight of the fact that HE is a sick, dangerous man looking to grab back Power, destroy the American experience, take away our rights and freedoms, and STAY in power till the end of his life.     Our goal is to defeat him at the ballot box.   

But Americans have now been distracted from that goal, even some having sympathy and empathy for the man that is trying to destroy our government and unseat our way of life....

Whatever the case, Donald Trumps existence on the Political field has given Americans license to hate and commit violence in pursuit of political power.   Sure it probably existed before Trump but he has magnified the rhetoric to the breaking point , prompting an attack on his life.   

I cannot agree with @RockyRoadTravel that Trump didnt deserve  what he got.  If memory serves me, Trump has called for the execution of General Milley, members of the Dem House and Senate, judges, D.A.'s, witnesses, all because they chose to follow the rules of law, do their jobs, and disagree with his lust for corruption and unlawfulness and didnt bend their knee to aid and abet him..... .  So he gets no Pass from me.   As they say "whats good for the goose, is good for the gander".   I have more sadness for the passing of Shannon Doherty and Richard Simmons than I do for an attempt on Trumps life, for which I have ZERO.  

This softer, kinder Trump we are getting for the last 2 days wont last,  its simply him milking the sympathy angle.   At his core, DJT is a sick, dark, corrupt and lawful man that doesnt give a fuck about Americans and America.  DJT wants to stay out of jail and be The King of the World, and will not stop trying to achieve that.  WE are the only ones that can stop him, since it appears that our governmental guardrails, checks and balances have "abandoned" us.    WE ARE ON OUR OWN !  

And while @lookin wrote a beautiful piece above, as he always does, with which I would normally agree wholeheartedly,  we are dealing with Donald Trump, so I cannot apply his message to the situation we are in.  ANY avenue or resource we have to show & tell WHO & WHAT Trump is show be employed.  This IS a battle of sorts, but only because Trump "made it so".....

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41 minutes ago, Thomas_88 said:

"...The big issue here is gun violence as the unique American pandemic that it is"
In my opinion it's not a pandemic. It's an epidemic in the US.

@Looking: In my opinion social media are used outside the US but many countries outside the US have no mass shootings.

While you are right about gun violence and its impact here and around the world, fixing guns WILL NOT fix the Trump problem.   Thats a problem unique unto itself and taking a few guns out of Americans hands cant change that, although its imperative it be done. 

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7 minutes ago, KeepItReal said:

Lest we forget...


At this point in time, after almost 10 chaotic and damaging years of Trump, the loss of many of our rights, and a shift in the moral compass of America,  THERE SHOULD BE NO UNDECIDED VOTERS.... 

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22 minutes ago, RockyRoadTravel said:

You reap what you sow.  If there was any involvement of God here, I think it could have been divine intervention shooting the defeated former President's teleprompter. 

God is obviously just "fucking" with US now !

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It doesn't seem that complicated. Some kook tried to kill Trump, gets killed himself. At least one person from the Secret Service should resign. Shouldn't happen again. End of story. 

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On 7/14/2024 at 10:20 AM, Moses said:

Reps will use this "heroic picture" in all advertising and promotions from now, and Dems have nothing to shout out this whole orchestra.



Actually, this is the iconic photo that will propel Trump into the White House. This photo will be in the history books 300 years from now.
Immediately after the assassination attempt, Trump with a triumphant fist in the air, bloodied but not bowed, with the US flag waving in the background.





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8 hours ago, Suckrates said:

....after almost 10 chaotic and damaging years of Trump, the loss of many of our rights, ... 

All you do is spew out nonsense and lies.
You lost NO Rights under Trump. NONE. ZERO. ZIPPO.



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