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The mainstream media has focused heavily on President Joe Biden's cognitive state since his disastrous debate performance against former President Donald Trump last week. However, reporters have known for a while that the 81-year-old Biden has been dealing with diminished mental capabilities, according to a New York Magazine story Thursday.

The magazine’s White House correspondent, Olivia Nuzzi, wrote that in January she began hearing Democrat officials, activists, and donors expressing concern that Biden might not "make it to Election Day" after encounters with the president.
Nuzzi ended her column by recounting her experience at a reception before the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in April. She and other reporters waited to have their photo taken with the president.

"Up close, the president does not look quite plausible," Nuzzi wrote. "It’s not that he’s old. We all know what old looks like. [Sen] Bernie Sanders is old. [Senate Minority Leader] Mitch McConnell is old. Most of the ruling class is old. The president was something stranger, something not of this earth."

The reporter wrote that her "heart stopped as I extended my hand to greet the president. I tried to make eye contact, but it was like his eyes, though open, were not on. His face had a waxy quality."

When Biden left, reporters made guesses about how dead the president appeared to be.

"Forty percent?" one asked.

The New York column describes other detailed incidents that left people questioning Biden’s cognitive ability.

Many Democrats, party donors, and media pundits have called on Biden to stop his pursuit of the 2024 Democratic Party presidential nomination following his disastrous debate feeble performance.

Two nights after the June 27 CNN debate, Biden appeared at New Jersey Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy’s house to speak to about 50 donors and ease their concerns about his candidacy.

Murphy told Biden "[w]e’re all with you 1,000 percent" and called the president "America’s comeback kid."

"The callback to Bill Clinton articulated the nervous, defensive energy that animated the evening," Nuzzi wrote. "But Biden had not face planted in a pit of bad press because of a mistake in his personal life. His problems would be much trickier to solve. A sex scandal might help him right now, in fact."

Nuzzi also wrote that people who have met the president in social settings sometimes were stunned by what they saw.

"Longtime friends of the Biden family, who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity, were shocked to find that the president did not remember their names," she wrote.

"At a White House event last year, a guest recalled, with horror, realizing that the president would not be able to stay for the reception because, it was clear, he would not be able to make it through the reception."

The event left the guest stunned.

"The guest wasn't sure they could vote for Biden," Nuzzi wrote, "since the guest was now open to an idea that they had previously dismissed as right-wing propaganda: The president may not really be the acting president after all."


Most of the Biden lapdogs in the fake news media and democrat politicians and left-wing posters here still think Dementia Joe is all there are suffering from an infliction known as the "backfire effect". They're so brainwashed and rigid in their total belief that no matter what evidence is put before them they will refute and ignore it. In many cases it drives them to be even more loyal and controlled. This affliction is most prevalent in liberals since they're already inflicted with a mental disorder.

The body knows when it is approaching death even if the person doesn't. A bad cold, Blank stares, , mouth wide open for no reason, empty eyes, and runny nose for no reason. It's 50-50 that he'll pass before the election.


TRUMP 2024

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7 hours ago, EmmetK said:

Most of the Biden lapdogs in the fake news media and democrat politicians and left-wing posters here still think Dementia Joe is all there are suffering from an infliction known as the "backfire effect". They're so brainwashed and rigid in their total belief that no matter what evidence is put before them they will refute and ignore it. In many cases it drives them to be even more loyal and controlled. This affliction is most prevalent in liberals since they're already inflicted with a mental disorder.

Glad to know you are an expert at medical diagnosis.

How are you at shooting bullets into brains?   I assume if Trump wins all the mentally ill liberals will be called up to military tribunals as sick traitors, like Liz Cheney, and executed.

Call me picky.  But if I have have to go, I want to die next to Mike Pence the way I lived.  Hung.

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8 hours ago, EmmetK said:


Most of the Biden lapdogs in the fake news media and democrat politicians and left-wing posters here still think Dementia Joe is all there are suffering from an infliction known as the "backfire effect". They're so brainwashed and rigid in their total belief that no matter what evidence is put before them they will refute and ignore it. In many cases it drives them to be even more loyal and controlled. This affliction is most prevalent in liberals since they're already inflicted with a mental disorder.


If you can listen to yourself talk and still say "liberals have a mental disorder",  thats really having CHUTZPAH.  Let me inform you Sir, its YOU who have demonstrated mental disorder on this board.  And as the rightwing media machine keeps pushing Trump as the leader,  you are becoming more frantic,  unhinged and seemingly "horny"    I hope you dont shoot your load before election day.  🤪

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You rant like a lunatic about Trump the dictator, Trump will take away your rights..... blah, blah, blah.
Were you put in prison during the Trump administration? lol.
Fact: You didn't lose any rights. Just the ranting of another loudmouth hypocrite suffering from a severe case of TDS.

I'll see you at the (Trump) inauguration. I'll be the one wearing a big smile 😁

TRUMP 2024


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59 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

I'll see you at the (Trump) inauguration. I'll be the one wearing a big smile 😁

It's always a small crowd so you'll be easy to spot.  Wearing your Trump sneakers and holding a Trump Bible????????????

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44 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said:

HAVE YOU READ ALL 900 PAGES OF PROJECT 2025???????????????


Have you read the polls lately? lol.
Here even you can read this:


YOU are the only one that cares. NOBODY else.
None of that crap matters. If it did, Trump wouldn't be headed towards a landslide victory.

As of today, the only topic on the minds of American voters is JOE BIDEN's MENTAL ACUITY.
Nothing else matters.

You can try to change the subject to anything else. But none of it matters. NONE OF IT.




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"correspondent, Olivia Nuzzi, wrote that in January she began hearing Democrat officials, activists, and donors expressing concern that Biden might not "make it to Election Day" after encounters with the president."
She KNEW this and yet kept it hidden from the public for half a year now? I re-read the article and thought about how the media has been lying to the American public for years now... trying to protect Joe. Keep him in a cocoon. Hide his obvious dementia They are not patriotic enough to care for the safety of this country. Sad.
In other words, Nuzzi realized at the Correspondents' Dinner that Biden was nothing more than a walking corpse. And implicates Jill as knowing full well at the time the demented condition of Joe, but choosing not to inform anyone. It's too bad that New York Magazine didn't come out with this disturbing story about Joe earlier, but better late than never.
TRUMP 2024
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5 hours ago, EmmetK said:

Hide his obvious dementia

Why do you hate facts, @EmmetK?  What did facts do to you?  Did they rape you, like your raping cult leader?  Did they lie to you, like your lying cult leader?

Oh, wait.  Facts don't lie.  But you don't know the difference between facts and lies.

Is it possible YOU have a cognitive disorder, @EmmetK?

VERY URGENT: A Parkinson's disease specialist has visited the White House residence medical clinic at least nine times since July 2023


Dr. Kevin R. Cannard, a Parkinson’s disease specialist, has visited the White House at least nine times in the last year, official White House visitor logs show.


Dr. Cannard’s spate of visits began on July 28, 2023 and continued at least through March 28, 2024. The most recently released logs end on April 1, so it is not clear if Dr. Cannard has been to the White House more recently.

An earlier version of this story referred to one visit to The White House by Dr. Cannard earlier this year.  Which implied maybe they checked Biden for Parkinson's and found nothing worth tracking.  Nine visits ending in late March with no logs available afterward suggests something different.  No doubt this will fuel a whole new cycle of questions.

Since @EmmetK may be suffering from cognitive decline, or just likes outrageous lies told by cult leaders, let's spell out a few facts.

1.  Parkinson's involves cognitive decline, but is not dementia.

2.  Biden has no known diagnosis of either dementia or Parkinson's.  So he does not have "obvious" dementia.  And most people without cognitive decline would realize that "obvious" things can not be hidden.  Poor @EmmetK.  What did facts do to him?

3.  While Parkinson's is not fatal, the internet says it can reduce life span by 1-2 years.  The average life span of someone with Parkinson's is 81.  Biden is 81.

4.  While we do not know, for a fact, the average political life span of a sitting POTUS who blew a debate and is now perhaps suspected of suffering from early stage Parkinson's, my guess is the average political life span will be something like one week to one month.  If these dots connect, good luck Joe.

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On 7/6/2024 at 5:27 AM, EmmetK said:

It's 50-50 that he'll pass before the election.


51 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

Biden's first post-Presidential book that is already in the works for a mid-2025 publication:

Poor thing!

You don't seem to know whether Biden is dead, or will be dead, or will be alive in mid-2025.   Which is it?   Or does the cult not know the right line yet?

Let me help.   Just read the words on the teleprompter, @EmmetK.


There.  That wasn't so hard, was it?

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