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Biden bloodbath

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Just a few headlines from major news outlets:

Biden Disaster: Worst Performance — of All Time?
Dim Brandon: Struggles to Deliver Prepared Statement
Panic Time for Dems

I guess we won't be seeing any Biden supporting trolls on the board tonight.
And for good reason.
I predicted Trump was going to shred Biden like a block of cheese tonight. But this fight was over after 3 minutes. 
President Trump kept his cool, and stayed on message, and delivered the knockout punch.

“We’re going to defeat Medicare”

-actual Dementia joe biden quote during the debate. Biden also said he he went to France on D-day and met with dead soldiers

We all knew Biden had cognitive issues, but most of America didn't realize how bad off he was. THEY KNOW NOW!
It’s very possible that this debate was a setup for the democrat party to replace Dementia Joe. Just listen to the CNN post debate commentators talk, and notice how the debate moderators didn’t come to Dementia Joe biden's aid. Team Trump needs to start planning for the possible Dementia Joe biden replacement.

Biden was stumbling, mumbling, and bumbling on almost every question. His facial expressions were horrible. The gaping mouth the partially closed eye. Expect the Bamster to enter and pull him off by wrist anytime now. The DNC will be making the call to their bullpen tonight.

It is now time for our country to unite behind our future President, Donald Trump.

Trump 2024



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‘Biden is toast’

Democrats are in full freakout over the president's debate performance.

Democrats consider the unthinkable: It’s time for Biden to go

Three strategists close to three potential Democratic presidential candidates said they were bombarded with text messages.



Biden bombs, Trump pounces

Democrats are panicked after the president’s uneven performance.


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I felt sorry for Trump.  he kept on misunderstanding the questions and ranting about other things.  He couldn't follow a question for more then 5 seconds.  On a positive note his hair did look luxurious.  Am sure he was happy about that.  SAD SAD SAD  No wonder Melania didn't come.

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41 minutes ago, EmmetK said:


Just a few headlines from major news outlets:

Biden Disaster: Worst Performance — of All Time?
Dim Brandon: Struggles to Deliver Prepared Statement
Panic Time for Dems

I guess we won't be seeing any Biden supporting trolls on the board tonight.
And for good reason.
I predicted Trump was going to shred Biden like a block of cheese tonight. But this fight was over after 3 minutes. 
President Trump kept his cool, and stayed on message, and delivered the knockout punch.

“We’re going to defeat Medicare”

-actual Dementia joe biden quote during the debate. Biden also said he he went to France on D-day and met with dead soldiers

We all knew Biden had cognitive issues, but most of America didn't realize how bad off he was. THEY KNOW NOW!
It’s very possible that this debate was a setup for the democrat party to replace Dementia Joe. Just listen to the CNN post debate commentators talk, and notice how the debate moderators didn’t come to Dementia Joe biden's aid. Team Trump needs to start planning for the possible Dementia Joe biden replacement.

Biden was stumbling, mumbling, and bumbling on almost every question. His facial expressions were horrible. The gaping mouth the partially closed eye. Expect the Bamster to enter and pull him off by wrist anytime now. The DNC will be making the call to their bullpen tonight.

It is now time for our country to unite behind our future President, Donald Trump.

Trump 2024



Steve Bannon has trained you well.  LMAO

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7 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said:

I felt sorry for Trump.  

That has to be your silliest (stupidest) stupidest comment yet. And given your past, that is saying a lot.

Dementia Joe Biden had the worst debate performance of any candidate in the history of debates going back to Lincoln-Douglass. He looked like he was auditioning for a Mr. Magoo contest, stumbling, bumbling, mumbling, pausing..... Dems are scrambling to find a replacement for the feeble old fool this morning.

Democrats, Left in Full-Blown 'Panic' Over Biden; Trump Campaign: 'It's So Joe-Over'

In a CNN flash poll, an incredible two-thirds of debate watchers thought Trump won.

CNN flash poll shows Trump as clear winner of first presidential debate: 'Stunning number'


Is there no such thing as a "mercy rule" in debates? My goodness, I'm surprised that the Biden handlers haven't told him to walk away while he still has a few threads of dignity. I kept waiting for one of Dementia Joe's handlers to walk on stage and throw in the towel. Unfortunately they used up their last one cleaning up Dementia Joe's last "accident".

And you feel sorry for Trump?    LOL.

you need to go back to msn.com.


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2 hours ago, EmmetK said:

That has to be your silliest (stupidest) stupidest comment yet. And given your past, that is saying a lot.

Dementia Joe Biden had the worst debate performance of any candidate in the history of debates going back to Lincoln-Douglass. He looked like he was auditioning for a Mr. Magoo contest, stumbling, bumbling, mumbling, pausing..... Dems are scrambling to find a replacement for the feeble old fool this morning.

Democrats, Left in Full-Blown 'Panic' Over Biden; Trump Campaign: 'It's So Joe-Over'

In a CNN flash poll, an incredible two-thirds of debate watchers thought Trump won.

CNN flash poll shows Trump as clear winner of first presidential debate: 'Stunning number'


Is there no such thing as a "mercy rule" in debates? My goodness, I'm surprised that the Biden handlers haven't told him to walk away while he still has a few threads of dignity. I kept waiting for one of Dementia Joe's handlers to walk on stage and throw in the towel. Unfortunately they used up their last one cleaning up Dementia Joe's last "accident".

And you feel sorry for Trump?    LOL.

you need to go back to msn.com.


Maybe you'll get a conjugal visit with Bannon in prison.  Your dream come true.

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This isn't some ordinary elderly failing citizen whose family has finally recognized and acknowledged the failing family member has to be convinced, he or she has to make some serious life adjustments. This is the president of the United States and there don't seem to be enough adults around him and supporting him when the welfare of this country is at stake.

Dementia Joe won't leave the presidency until they pry it out of his cold, dead fingers. Then Jill will fight tooth and nail to somehow keep it. They're both despicable.

CNN out-performed what I expected...and although they rescued JoJo...they did not cut Trump's mic.

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at CNN headquarters last night. With each Biden stumble, mumble, blank stare, mouth-open moment, another bottle of vodka must have been emptied.....
Maybe at the DNC convention they will wheel out Kama-Cackle Harris? Hard to say who the bigger loser is... Biden or Harris.

Trump 2024


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Interesting ‘art imitates life’ parallel: Yesterday prior to debate I tuned into HBO movie apparently squeezed in last minute for Emmy Awards nominations qualifications.

The Great Lillian Hall.

Jessica Lange plays aging national theatre treasure headlining The Cherry Orchard but is deteriorating cognitively in rehearsals while producers etc struggle with deciding to replace her or prop her up, missed cues notwithstanding, and whether or not to count on her star power to compensate for the audience’s perceptions of obvious impairment. 

In this case, however, no conniving ‘Eve Harrington’ understudy. And the play’s run is likely her last rodeo, not stretched out to an additional 54 months. 

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1 hour ago, EmmetK said:

This isn't some ordinary elderly failing citizen whose family has finally recognized and acknowledged the failing family member has to be convinced, he or she has to make some serious life adjustments. This is the president of the United States and there don't seem to be enough adults around him and supporting him when the welfare of this country is at stake.

Dementia Joe won't leave the presidency until they pry it out of his cold, dead fingers. Then Jill will fight tooth and nail to somehow keep it. They're both despicable.

CNN out-performed what I expected...and although they rescued JoJo...they did not cut Trump's mic.

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at CNN headquarters last night. With each Biden stumble, mumble, blank stare, mouth-open moment, another bottle of vodka must have been emptied.....
Maybe at the DNC convention they will wheel out Kama-Cackle Harris? Hard to say who the bigger loser is... Biden or Harris.

Trump 2024



Reminds me of Ronald and Nancy Reagan.    https://www.history.com/news/reagan-health-25th-amendment

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11 hours ago, EmmetK said:

you need to go back to msn.com.

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/did-trump-actually-call-veterans-who-died-in-wars-suckers/ar-BB1p2cv5?ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&cvid=307d2503e61d45de91ec520cfd02d666&ei=8  @EmmetK msn.com Per your request.  Good reading for you.   

The “losers and suckers” comments were first revealed in a multi-source article from The Atlantic on Sept. 3, 2020. The article, “Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers,'” laid out Trump’s 2018 canceled visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France. According to the Atlantic’s close sources, Trump canceled the visit claiming that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service would be unable to drive him there — the Atlantic reports neither statement were true.

The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg instead reports that sources close to Trump said that the real reason for the trip’s cancellation was that Trump worried his hair would look bad in the rain and photos would be taken.  (love the part about Trump's hair)

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CNN flash poll: Most viewers say Trump won debate


@JKane Come up for a JPEG for 67% of the voters who watched the debate and said Trump won.


The 33 percent that said Biden won the debate are proof we need to bring back mental institutions in this country. Trump will need to issue an emergency order for a few million strait-jackets after he wins. Clearly there are a lot of insane people who thought that the Biden zombie won! 
Imagine the irony of people calling Trump a liar....and then voting that Biden won that debate.

TRUMP 2024



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The first post debate poll (other than the CNN Flash Poll which showed Trump won the debate 67-33%) came out on Sunday morning. This one done by CBS/YouGov. 
As expected, not good news for Dementia Joe Biden:

This all comes as voters widely believe that in the debate Trump presented his ideas more clearly, appeared more presidential, inspired more confidence, explained his policies better and - quite simply - won the debate.
 Biden is also not seen as significantly better than Trump at protecting democracy.
Biden has made no meaningful inroads on convincing voters that a 2nd term would make them financially better off. Trump still is seen as better on that. Biden is also not seen as significantly better than Trump at protecting democracy.




For months before the debate, the nation's voters repeatedly expressed doubts over whether Joe Biden had the cognitive health enough to serve as president. Today, those doubts have grown even more: now at 72% of the electorate, and now including many within his own part.



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Perhaps the Headline should read: "Poll Shows That 72 Percent Say Biden Unfit Mentally, Cognitively; The Other 28 Percent Polled Were Deemed Unfit, Mentally & Cognitively, Democrats.

After watching the debacle on Thursday night, can someone please tell me who are the other 28% that think Joe isn’t a vegetable? Family members or part of his surrounding corruption mafia?

"Dr" Jill will tell Dementia Joe what to do. "You're staying in Joe. i love the title, big house, Secret Service, White House receptions, money and power and I'm not about to let you blow this for me."  She will then instruct the White House physicians to, "Load Joe up with Adderall and Ritalin. He needs to go out and be presentable."

Dr. Jill!! "Joe, you did such a great job," she told him at a debate after-party. "You answered every question. You knew all the facts." She was applauding him like a small child. You did so good Joey. This is the POTUS! Laughing stock!  She needs to be charged with ELDER ABUSE.

Joe held a meeting with his cabinet this morning. He also spoke to the chair and argued with the lamp.

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The first fallout from the Atlanta debacle.

The post-debate Harvard Harris Poll out today has it Trump +4 (52-48) in a 2-person race. But is the more accurate multi-candidate race it is Trump +8 (Trump 46, Biden 38, Kennedy 13, Stein 2, West 2).



The USA/Suffolk Poll also out today has Trump with a smaller lead, Trump +3 in a multi-candidate race. It's last poll had it a tie. So a post-debate bump for Trump.



CNN Poll out today has Trump +6 in a 2-candidate and multi candidate race. That is way beyond the margin of error.


So it's all Donald Trump. Good news for Americans who love their country, and want to help make America GREAT again.


TRUMP 2024




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1 hour ago, EmmetK said:

So it's all Donald Trump. Good news for Americans who love their country, and want to help make America GREAT again.

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/authoritarianism-expert-gives-trump-immunity-ruling-an-alarming-label/ar-BB1pgHdj?ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&cvid=b9a44eac8eca4cc08ed413f2650919e9&ei=6&sc=shoreline  NORTH KOREA AND RUSSIA AND CHINA MUST BE FANTASTIC.  BETTER THEN JUST GREAT.

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On 6/28/2024 at 10:13 AM, EmmetK said:

Maybe at the DNC convention they will wheel out Kama-Cackle Harris? Hard to say who the bigger loser is... Biden or Harris.

Actually, if you cared about facts rather than lies and insults, you would know the answer.  

Kamala Harris is the winner.  Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the losers.

Biden for sure lost the debate.  He looked old and weak.  That said, Obama blew the first debate with Romney by even bigger polling margins.  Not to mention Reagan's senile moments in his first debate in 1984.  So Biden now has to get up off his ass and prove he can fight, or die.  If he dies, Kamala takes his place.  I would not call her a loser.

If you cared about facts (which you don't ... lol) you might have read Tim Ryan's essay, "Kamala Harris Should Be The Democratic Nominee For 2024," which voices what lots of Democrats are saying in private


Kamala was the highlight of a historically dreadful night. Across cable news stations, the Vice President's performance was stellar, a ray of light in the darkness. Those who questioned her chops over the past several years were rebuked by a polished, confident leader communicating clearly in the throes of a political meltdown of epic proportions. I loved watching it. Our Vice-President was masterful.


She would energize the Black, brown, and Asian Pacific members of our coalition. (Read Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, Charlotte, Miami and Milwaukee.) She would immediately pull the dispirited youth of our country back into the fold. And a vibrant campaign that shows her strength, personality and intelligence will have Democratic and Republican suburban women feeling much more comfortable with her than either Donald Trump or Joe Biden. They will give her a chance.


America is craving this generational change. You can feel it in the air. It's time for the Democratic Party to let go of the past and give the American people what they want. And they want to be excited about America again. They want to come together. They want to heal. And they want to be asked to help usher in a future of renewal and reform.

I think Nancy Pelosi just delivered what could be considered the official response of the Democratic Party elite, now that Team Blue has had a week to talk to each other and think about it:


"I think it's a legitimate question to say, is this an episode or is this a condition?" she said on MSNBC. "When people ask that question, it's completely legitimate — of both candidates."

Pelosi does nothing without a plan of how she will win.  She never let votes come to the House floor when she did not know the outcome.  So that statement above already hints at the plan that is in moving into place.  Maybe this was just a bad episode of The Joe Show.  Or maybe it is a condition.  And, by the way, what about that crazy narcissistic liar - Donald Trump -  who just said he doesn't know how electricity works and how planes fly?  Which is worse?  Trump lies, Trump stupidity, or Trump failure?

Trump failed in 2018.  Trump failed in 2020.  Trump failed in 2022.  He is a liar, a criminal, and a narcissist.  I think Nancy Pelosi is on to something.  She is an expert at figuring out how to do three things:  1) lead Trump to failure, 2) lead Trump to failure, and 3) lead Trump to failure.  If there is anyone particularly capable of ushering Joe Biden to the side, it is the respected House Speaker who stepped aside herself.  And who choreographed a seamless and unifying transition of power in the US House.

Here is another fact @EmmetK is unconcerned about.  We don't know whether Joe Biden has a condition called dementia.  We also don't know whether Donald Trump has a condition called dementia.  Pelosi, as an aging leader who wisely stepped aside, is the right person to ask a great question:  are EITHER of these old men fit to be our leader?

In a CNN poll released today, 75 % of all voters said Democrats have a better chance of winning WITHOUT Biden.  That's up from 53 % in January.  Even among Democrats, 56 % now say their party has a better chance of winning WITHOUT Biden.  By contrast, 60 % of all voters and 83 % of Republicans say they have a better chance of winning with Trump.

That may seem like great news for Republicans, and bad news for Democrats.  But here's a cool Jedi mind trick.  Imagine Kamala Harris is the nominee, and not Joe Biden.  Suddenly all that reverses.  And then Donald Trump is unquestionably the old stinky narcissistic liar.

Voters seem to be beginning to imagine just that.  In the new CNN poll, Trump beats Biden 49 to 43.  That's essentially unchanged from before the debate, and for most of this year.  Meanwhile, Trump beats Harris 47 to 45, which is a statistical tie.  In every recent poll I have seen, Harris does as well or better than Biden in a horse race against Trump.  Meanwhile, Trump beats Newsom, Buttigieg, and Whitmer by either 4 or 5 points each.  

It's clear Democratic leaders are not ready to throw Biden under the bus .. yet.  But if that moment comes, and it could, Harris is the only realistic replacement.  Now is a good time to start talking openly about what that would mean.  And especially what it means for a MAGA movement that is stuck with the smelly old narcissistic liar and loser and felon they happily fell in line behind.

Check out Kamala talking to voters on the night Joe Biden floundered.  It's one night.  But I think she defended the accomplishments and vision of their Administration better than he did.  

David Axelrod is right.  Republicans who are calling on Democrats to dump Biden should be careful what they wish for.  They may not like the outcome in November if we do.

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Everyone knows that Cackling Kamala was a DEI hire. Dementia Joe made no secret of that. He said he would only nominate a black female as his VP. He closed the universe of potential veeps from 100% to about 7%. 

image.jpeg.9fcf341a35cd4784435a66d727b95a17.jpeg  image.jpeg.085bbafaac728cb0c00f1dfdeede5dad.jpeg  image.jpeg.5cf05b8b4d62728fac60fd9a6927aafd.jpeg  image.jpeg.1ed233cbdac0c424d4c03fb690832ca9.jpeg  image.jpeg.e70806fd5a9cd75c973d40ebea52f493.jpeg


Cacklenonics on it's way - Imgflip


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22 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

Everyone knows that Cackling Kamala was a DEI hire. Dementia Joe made no secret of that. He said he would only nominate a black female as his VP. He closed the universe of potential veeps from 100% to about 7%. 

image.jpeg.9fcf341a35cd4784435a66d727b95a17.jpeg  image.jpeg.085bbafaac728cb0c00f1dfdeede5dad.jpeg  image.jpeg.5cf05b8b4d62728fac60fd9a6927aafd.jpeg  image.jpeg.1ed233cbdac0c424d4c03fb690832ca9.jpeg  image.jpeg.e70806fd5a9cd75c973d40ebea52f493.jpeg


Cacklenonics on it's way - Imgflip


TRUMP 2024

Ugh!  Racism and sexism all rolled into one.  

The Republican argument is always the same.  If she's a woman, a Black, and a Democrat, she is an unqualified loser.

How fucking stupid can MAGA dolts be?

They don't seem to realize this argument led them to failure in 2018.

They don't seem to realize this argument led them to failure in 2020.

They don't seem to realize this argument led them to failure in 2022.

They don't seem to realize this argument led them to failure in 2023.

It's not possible that all White male Republicans are that stupid, is it?  They can learn from failure after failure, right?


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12 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

Ugh!  Racism and sexism all rolled into one.  

The Republican argument is always the same.  If she's a woman, a Black, and a Democrat, she is an unqualified loser.

How fucking stupid can MAGA dolts be?

They don't seem to realize this argument led them to failure in 2018.

They don't seem to realize this argument led them to failure in 2020.

They don't seem to realize this argument led them to failure in 2022.

They don't seem to realize this argument led them to failure in 2023.

It's not possible that all White male Republicans are that stupid, is it?  They can learn from failure after failure, right?


Racism, sexism, blah, blah, blah..... What's on the flip side of that record?
I can name that tune in 6 notes.

What you got nothing, including a President with dementia, play the race and sex card......

TRUMP 2024

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16 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

The Republican argument is always the same.  If she's a woman, a Black, and a Democrat, she is an unqualified loser.

They don't seem to realize this argument led them to failure in 2018.

They don't seem to realize this argument led them to failure in 2020.

They don't seem to realize this argument led them to failure in 2022.

They don't seem to realize this argument led them to failure in 2023.


4 hours ago, EmmetK said:

Racism, sexism, blah, blah, blah.....

Thanks for confirming my point.

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Now that the corrupt and partisan Supreme Court has handed Trump the final piece of their long brewing master plan to replace our government with their vision of a superior white christian nationalist one , consider the possibilities of Absolute Immunity for Presidents.....

1) There is no need for an impeachment clause as it would pertain to a President since the new found immunity would "Trump" any charges against them.

2) What is the need for the 3 liberal Supreme Court judges, since,  in the minority their opinions have no weigh or value?.   Trump can get rid of them without reason or explanation for being in dispute with HIS vision of America.  IMMUNE, no consequences as he builds a 100% extremist rightwing Cpurt....

3) Imagine you are a BLUE state that has a catastrophic disaster and needs govt aid.  What are the chances of Trump granting aid to a state where its officials and citizens DID NOT support him?   You are FUCKED...

4) 4 year elections.... Fuggetaboutit !!!!!!    Trump is King.  

5)  Peaceful protests for causes Trump DOES NOT align with,   fuggetaboutit,   you will be shot down in the streets with NO reason need be given by Trump.  He is actting in his official duty....

6)  And, WTF are "unofficial duties" ?     We know that any criminal activity presented an official duty will be converted to an "official duty" post haste.    

With Absolute immunity the court has covered ALL its bases as it pertains to elevating Trump to celestial power...... And we also know that ANY free  and fair election with the outcome being anyone BUT Trump will end up in the corrupt and enabling Supreme Court,  and this time we know that decision !  

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IF Biden stays in the race, and if he were the person we know Trump IS, he has less than 4 months to make this right with the power Supreme Court has now given to ALL Presidents....... less than 4 months to "take Trump out"  in any manner he sees fit... in his "official" capacity as President, without having to offer any explanation or motive...

The mind reals at the possibilities.   So instead of focusing on Bidens frailty and bad debate night,  we should focus on a way of getting rid of Trump, once and for all, in the name of saving Democracy and our country as we know it.....   NOW is the time for the Dems to "man up" and stop being scared pussies.   If Trump were the current President, we all know for SURE what he would be doing to get his political opponent out of the way, once and for all.....   No doubts whatsoever in my mind.   And now he has Supreme power and the courts blessing to do it.....

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