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Guest fountainhall

Research into Lubes has Worrisome Findings

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Guest fountainhall

Saw this yesterday on fridae.com. I have no information about the Conference or the validity of the findings, but its comments about KY, perhaps the most commonly found lube in Thailand, are surely worrisome.


New research has found for the first time that certain types of water-based lubes to cause damage to the outer layer of the rectal and cervical tissue, and may cause users to be more vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.


Surprisingly, this is the first time that anyone has even looked at the question of whether basic sexual lubricants can cause damage to rectal tissue. The studies were presented at the Microbicides 2010 conference in Pittsburgh at the end of May.


A decade ago research presented at the first microbicides conference showed that nonoxynol-9 (N-9), a spermicide added to many lubricants to prevent contraception, was extremely toxic to rectal tissue. Later studies demonstrated that it increased the risk of becoming infected with HIV through vaginal sex.


The gay community learned to avoid lubes containing N-9, and pressured manufacturers to remove it from most products.


This long overdue study of the lubes themselves put six of the most commonly used products to a series of tests used to evaluate the toxicity of potential microbicides

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