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Trump post-phony conviction bump

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It’s been a week since a fascist Kangaroo Court in Manhattan found former President Trump guilty of 34 fake crimes, and he STILL LEADS IN THE POLLS

On May 30, all the scheming, plotting, and conspiring between the Biden White House and the judicial system came together to create the talking point that Donald Trump is a convicted felon. After a group of political lynchers who called themselves a jury made that talking point official, the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party we call the corporate media, aka serial liars.....

…like the good dogs they are, spent a week repeating the “convicted felon” talking point like it was a mantra, a prayer. And to them, it is a prayer to their pagan god of a Big Fascist Government that promises to micromanage our lives into something conformist and miserable while they prance about pretending to have earned a place in the aristocracy.

The goal was obvious, the same goal these demonic institutions have had since Trump road that escalator straight down into the Oval Office: destroy the man, crush him into a dust as soft as flour, and above all, make an example of him so no outsider dares to ever try and Make America Great Again again.


In the RealClearPolitics poll of national polls, Trump’s lead has increased over His Fraudulency Dementia Joe Biden.  On May 30, Trump led The Man Tara Reade Has Credibly Accused of Rape by 2.0 points. Today, after the release of four post-phony conviction polls, Trump leads by 2.2 points.

Granted, 0.2 points in movement is not much; hardly worth mentioning. But you know that 0.2 is making fascist leftists all over the country and on this forum gulp, so let’s go ahead and mention it.

Oh, and the first Emerson (not normally friendly to Trump) post-phony conviction Presidential poll has Trump with his biggest lead +6 in a multi-candidate race. Way beyond the margin of error.




Trump actually improved his position in the Forbes poll. What had been a tie now shows Trump leading by +2, 51-49 percent.


Dementia Joe Biden will be the first president to lose to a wrongfully convicted felon !!  


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No question that Biden will get the biggest chunk of the gay vote,
However, there is no doubt that Trump's % of the gay vote will increase significantly. VERY significantly just like Trump's chunk of the black and Hispanic vote.
Gay voters like blacks and Hispanics and all other Americans don't want a commander-in-chief with dementia. They don't want high inflation, high interest rates, open borders, high crime, etc.

Opinion | Donald Trump's Gay Amnesia - The New York Times

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15 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

No question that Biden will get the biggest chunk of the gay vote,
However, there is no doubt that Trump's % of the gay vote will increase significantly. VERY significantly just like Trump's chunk of the black and Hispanic vote.
Gay voters like blacks and Hispanics and all other Americans don't want a commander-in-chief with dementia. They don't want high inflation, high interest rates, open borders, high crime, etc.

Opinion | Donald Trump's Gay Amnesia - The New York Times

Warn Trump not to show the Pride flag in Colorado.  The Colorado GOP will set the flag on fire and maybe burn trump.    MAGA??????????????    https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/06/05/colorado-gop-calls-for-burning-pride-flags/73988961007/

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43 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said:

Warn Trump not to show the Pride flag in Colorado.  The Colorado GOP will set the flag on fire and maybe burn trump.    MAGA??????????????    https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/06/05/colorado-gop-calls-for-burning-pride-flags/73988961007/

@Bingo T Dog I ignore all of your posts without a link to an msn.com fake news story. Without the link, I cannot verify it is really you.

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9 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

@Bingo T Dog I ignore all of your posts without a link to an msn.com fake news story. Without the link, I cannot verify it is really you.

I understand.  The post brings reality to your front door.  You won't answer the door because a boost to your Exxon stock means more to you.  

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In even better news for Trump, swing state Michigan went from +2 Biden pre-phony conviction to +1 Trump post-phony conviction


And swing state Georgia went from +5 Trump pre-phony conviction to +6 Trump post-phony conviction....


Too bad there won't be any more court cases before November.....  lol.


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RNC is desperate for donations to cover legal fees and Lara Trump's wardrobe.  The highest donation by July 10th will win the opportunity to do the cavity search on plump when he gets jailed.  All entries must be made by midnight on July 09th.

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More evidence of the post-phony conviction Trump Bump.

Another swing state poll out today shows DJT increasing his lead over Dementia Joe Biden in the Tar Heel state to 5 points. Again, beyond the margin of error.


Trump 2024

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1 minute ago, EmmetK said:

More evidence of the post-phony conviction Trump Bump.

Another swing state poll out today shows DJT increasing his lead over Dementia Joe Biden in the Tar Heel state to 5 points. Again, beyond the margin of error.


Trump 2024

"reportable news".  ha ha ha 

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And the news keeps getting better ad better and better

A new Fox News poll out tonight, agreeing with all of the other polls...
Donald Trump increasing his pre-phony conviction numbers in swing states in a multi-candidate race:

Arizona: Trump +5

Nevada: Trump +5

Florida: Trump +7

Virginia: Tie


Long live the TRUMP BUMP!!

We need more phony indictments and kangaroo court convictions......  lol.

Trump 2024

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4 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

And the news keeps getting better ad better and better

A new Fox News poll out tonight, agreeing with all of the other polls...
Donald Trump increasing his pre-phony conviction numbers in swing states in a multi-candidate race:

Arizona: Trump +5

Nevada: Trump +5

Florida: Trump +7

Virginia: Tie


Long live the TRUMP BUMP!!

We need more phony indictments and kangaroo court convictions......  lol.

Trump 2024

Can we really trust FOX news?   They were sued for lying and paid 787.5 MILLION dollars.  Trustworthy?  

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Fox News and Pirro.   https://www.mediaite.com/tv/embarrassing-is-an-understatement-foxs-jeanine-pirro-falls-for-fake-attack-on-biden-sitting-in-an-imaginary-chair/      

But Pirro does not seem to possess the critical thinking skills to properly ascertain this fake clip as an obviously unfair attack. In fact, she’s just naive enough to amplify it via social media with commentary completely lacking in any self-awareness.

“THIS is the man representing us. THIS is how we are being perceived as a nation. Our commander-and-chief trying to sit in an imaginary chair on stage in front of the entire world,” Pirro posted on X.  “Lights on, but Biden’s not home. Embarrassing is an understatement….THERE IS NO CHAIR‼️‼️

Screenshot-2024-06-06-at-12.24.51 PM.jpg

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7 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said:

“Lights on, but Biden’s not home. Embarrassing is an understatement….THERE IS NO CHAIR‼️‼️

Like our resident bullshit artist @EmmetK, who is full of lies and bullshit, it is just another example of the willful lies, the willful deceit, the willful bullshit.

They know they are lying.  They know it is bullshit.  Thet don't care.

Lies.  Bullshit.  Hate.

It is what they do.

It is who they are.

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It is no surprise to anyone except the woke partisans and those with their heads in the sand that Donald J. Trump is leading in almost every poll, and in most cases, his lead  beyond the margin of error.
What I can't wrap my mind around is anyone who would even consider voting for Biden, an old weak, decrepit, degenerate with severe cognitive issues. 
Who in their right mind would vote for Dementia Joe Biden, after all the harm he has done to America and our allies. People who would vote for the Alzheimer's patient are crazy. You don't give a man with mental deficiencies the nuclear codes.

I guess if you're getting government handouts, like having your $100,000 student loan forgiven,  I might consider it. Fortunately I paid mine off long ago so that is not an option.

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10 hours ago, EmmetK said:

What I can't wrap my mind around is anyone who would even consider voting for Biden, an old weak, decrepit, degenerate with severe cognitive issues.

Yup.  True.

Biden sure fucked up the infrastructure bill.  Trump got infrastructure bills passed every week.  Biden doesn't even know what infrastructure is.

Biden sure fucked up the CHIPs Act.  All those factories being built in Arizona are due to the bipartisan bills Trump got passed.

I could go on.  Because it doesn't matter.  You are immune to facts.

10 hours ago, EmmetK said:

What I can't wrap my mind around is anyone who would even consider voting for Biden, an old weak, decrepit, degenerate with severe cognitive issues.

What you can't wrap your mind around is reality.  It is really that simple.  In context, you HATE facts and you really HATE the truth.  You are faced with the reality that this guy who predicted the winner of every POTUS race since 1984 is saying as of now Biden is likely to win.  You HATE this fact.  You have to deny it and even deny that the God you worship, Trump, was smarter than you and recognized Lichtman was right.  And even personally congratulated him.  But that is a fact you HATE.

So what you need is a direct line of 100 % pure bullshit being fed into your brain nonstop.  You have to be told that Biden can't even tell whether there is a chair where he is about to sit.  You love the lies.  You love the hate.  You love the contempt.  What you can't deal with is the FACT that Biden sat down in a chair.  Which he is able to do perfectly fine on his own.

Your brain is so addicted to bullshit and lies and hate that you are hopeless.  If you and I can't agree about something as simple as Biden sitting in a fucking chair, of course we can't agree about important facts.  Like who got an infrastructure bill passed, who got a CHIPs bill passed, who presided over an economy where average wealth went up 30 %, and who won the 2020 election.  You are an addicted lost cause.  Addicted to lies.  Addicted to bullshit.

10 hours ago, EmmetK said:

Donald J. Trump is leading in almost every poll, and in most cases, his lead  beyond the margin of error.

Again, it is if you want us to know how ignorant you are and how little you care about facts and truth.  The most important fact right now is that these polls are mostly irrelevant as a guide to who will win.  You can't handle that fact.  But if we go with your premise that these polls today are actually predictive, they still predict nothing.

Right now, Trump is up 0.3 % over Biden in the RCP national polling average.  He is up 0.1 % in Wisconsin.  And 0.3 % in Michigan.   I suppose you can say he is "leading" if you want.  But statistically you can not get closer to a tie than 0.1 % .  Maybe 0.0000000000000000000000000001 %.  I mean, you just HATE facts.  You HATE truth.  In Pennsylvania Trump is up 2.3 % in the RCP average.  But even there what you said is total ignorant bullshit.  The margin of error in those polls is 3 to 6 %.  So even if you want to believe those polls predict what will happen in November, the poll still tells us nothing.

As Lichtman said, which is a fact you HATE, these state polls are particularly unreliable because they have no clue who will actually vote.  Which is why in many races in the last few years Democrats outperform the polls by significant margins, as Lichtman said.  Because informed Democratic voters are more likely to vote than less educated Trump voters.

Your cult's whole path to victory is built on bullshit, hate, and lies. It is a FACT that if the people who vote in November are ONLY the best educated voters who actually voted in both 2020 and 2022, Biden will win in a landslide.  It is a FACT that if the people who vote in November are ONLY the least educated voters who did not vote in either 2020 or 2022, Trump will win in a landslide.  These are the same people who are cynical, they do not believe in democracy, they mistrust any institution and only believe in their cult, they think unemployment is at a 50 year high, and they think the S & P is down for the year.  What does that tell us about Trump, and his cult?

Lies.  Bullshit.  Hate.

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On 6/6/2024 at 8:17 AM, EmmetK said:

They don't want high inflation, high interest rates, open borders, high crime, etc.

Then why in God's name would Gay voters want Donald "Murder" Trump?

Please stop with the fact-free bullshit.

I don't know if you are intentionally are spreading outright lies here, or whether you just like to fully and deeply ingest Trump's bullshit.  Probably the latter, since you will buy his crap stock and believe his divisive lies.

Trump is the Murder Candidate.  Murder SOARED under Trump.  A 30 % increase in murder rates in 2020 alone.  Why would any Gay, or anyone, want more murder, more lies, more hate?  Trump is a disgusting pro-murder, pro-gun liar.  If you like to deeply and fully ingest his lies and bullshit, good for you.   But don't expect us too.

Murder rates dropped 6 % in 2022 according to the FBI.  The initial estimate is a 13 % drop in the murder rate under Biden in 2023.  So this is very simple.  If you want a lot more murder, Trump is your guy.  If you want a lot less murder, Biden got that done.  

Trump pays lip service to ideas that he knows 70 % or so of Americans now support, like same sex marriage.  But he viciously and hatefully uses LGBTQ people who don't have 70 % approval to spew hate, spew lies, and create division and bile against LGBTQ people.  Saying Trump is pro-LGBTQ is like saying he won the 2020 election.  Or saying murder rates went down under Trump.  If elected Trump will spread more hatred and division against the LGBTQ community, more lies, and more murder.

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