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BANGKOK, Sept 21 (TNA)


Thailand's Council for Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy on Thursday announced a ban on political parties meeting and barred the establishment of new parties.


"Meetings of political parties and conducting any other political activities are banned," said the statement read on national television.


The council said in its statement that the move is necessary to maintain law and order.


It was the latest announcement after the council imposed martial law on a nationwide basis, and repealed the 1997 Constitution when they effected a bloodless coup d'etat Tuesday night to overthrow caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.


It also bans gatherings by five or more people and introduces restrictions on the media.


The media has been asked for 'cooperation' to report the news straghtforwardly' and 'constructively' to restore national unity.








BANGKOK, Sept 21 (TNA)


The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology sought cooperation from broadcasters to temporarily stop activities of political expression via short-messaging or phone-in.


However, posting information or views on web-board is permitted provided that internet service providers ensure against offensive content.


Permanent Secretary for ICT Kraisorn Pornsuthee invited representatives of the broadcast media, telecoms and internet service providers to a meeting Thursday to discuss the censorship edict issued by the Council of Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy. (CDRM)


At the meeting, Mr Kraisorn appealed to broadcasters to suspend interactive activities in which audiences are invited to send short messages (SMS) or phone-in live programmes to express opinion or comment on politics, as these activities may cause division.


Broadcast media were also asked to refrain from making inappropriate reference to

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