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Biden to defeat Trump in election 2024 | Allan Lichtman

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Anything new from Lichtman?  Polls do seem to be moving as people start to pay more attention to the election and less to the incoherence of the Former President. Jobs report was good, stock market at record highs (not that that helps non-stock owners), decreasing trade deficit with China, more American jobs. All welcome changes from the Former President. No more fighting over toilet paper!  Hopefully the probation report includes a mental assessment. 

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2 hours ago, JKane said:


Actually, no.  Trump was full of energy on Thursday night. Not looking anything like his 78 years.

Dementia Joe Biden, on the other hand, looked like he was ready for the nursing home.
Dr. Jill and Dementia Joe's aides should be charged with elder abuse for putting this feeble old man out there in front of the public, knowing his current mental state.


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Has anyone seen or heard from Allan Lichtman since Thursday's debate (aka The Debacle aka The Trainwreck aka The Bloodbath)?
Is he in hiding? Has he jumped off a roof? lol.

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8 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

Has anyone seen or heard from Allan Lichtman since Thursday's debate (aka The Debacle aka The Trainwreck aka The Bloodbath)?
Is he in hiding? Has he jumped off a roof? lol.

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He will make his final decision in August.

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36 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

Has anyone seen or heard from Allan Lichtman since Thursday's debate (aka The Debacle aka The Trainwreck aka The Bloodbath)?
Is he in hiding? Has he jumped off a roof? lol.

TRUMP 2024

Lichtman predicted Trump's win in 2016 when everyone thought he was crazy.  I would think you would give him more respect.

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On 6/29/2024 at 7:16 AM, JKane said:


Poor Donald must cringe when he admits what he spends on his makeup and golden comb over.

The Dems will cringe if they willingly give up one of Lichtman's keys. 

Imagine how Fox News will paint the Dems turning on their own.  It won't be pretty.

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10 hours ago, Pete1111 said:

Poor Donald must cringe when he admits what he spends on his makeup and golden comb over.

The Dems will cringe if they willingly give up one of Lichtman's keys. 

Imagine how Fox News will paint the Dems turning on their own.  It won't be pretty.

Perhaps a little make-up or a tanning bed would have helped Dementia Joe at the debate. The man looked like a cadaver.

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Political historian reveals if Democrats should drop Biden post-debate©FOX
The historian relies on a formula he developed with mathematician Vladimir Keilis-Borok by analyzing elections dating back to 1860. He has used it to correctly predict the outcome of nine presidential elections since 1984. Dr. Lichtman said that so-called experts and pundits were saying the same thing about Ronald Reagan, who ran for a second term at the age of 73. 'He won 49 states, so this is all foolhardy nonsense,' he said. Using 13 questions called 'keys,' Lichtman keeps his personal preferences out of his predictions and was one of the few able to correctly predict Trump would prevail in 2016 when polls and political commentators all favored Democrat Hillary Clinton. 'The same pundits who led us down the primrose path of 2016 are giving the Democrats horrible advice,' he said.
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3 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said:

'The same pundits who led us down the primrose path of 2016 are giving the Democrats horrible advice,' he said.

I just posted the interview of Lichtman in a different thread before I read this. Here it is again.  I think he is right, like every other time since 1984.  (Abby Phillips below says "9 out of 10".  In 2000 Lichtman predicted Gore would win.  Which he did if you look at popular vote.  Since 2000 he has stated that his predictions are based on the electoral college system, not the popular vote.)

The hypothetical question I would like someone to ask Lichtman is this:  what would happen if Biden resigned as President now, and by August President Harris was nominated near unanimously at the convention?

Lichtman's argument is that by dumping Biden Democrats lose 2 of his 13 keys: incumbency, and no divisive party contest.  Biden stepping aside as a candidate and having an open convention would potentially recreate 2016.  He argues not having an incumbent and having a bitter party feud were two of the six keys that led to Hillary's downfall and Trump's win.  A bitter bloodbath is almost a given if you start with the assumption that Harris has to go, too.  Many Blacks and women would disagree.  Probably with fatal consequences like in 2016.

If Biden resigned now, it would seemingly avoid at least one of these two negatives.  It would avoid a bitter party fight.  Harris would be the incumbent, who actually led her potential Democratic primary opponents in almost every poll taken this year.  A new poll shows her leading Newsom in a primary 39 to 18, with everyone else left in the dust.  The same poll says voters view her as stronger than Biden, and more fit to lead the country.

If Biden released all his delegates to the new President, there would be no fight.  Harris also would seemingly meet the standards Lichtman sets for the advantages of incumbency. She could set the national agenda, which would be a continuation of what Biden and her have done so far.  The media spotlight would shine on her, not Biden or Trump, as our new President.  Arguably, she could defend the Biden/Harris agenda - and go after Trump's lies and macho bullshit -  more forcefully than Biden now can.

I am not arguing Biden should do this.  And he almost certainly will NOT do it.  But if the point of this exercise is stopping Trump from winning in 2024, it is the only alternative that makes any sense if the rare chance that Biden resigns under pressure actually comes to pass.

If I believe what I read, the emerging plan is to put Biden in front of more one on one interviews and interactive town halls to prove the debate was just one bad night.  That makes sense to me.  Trump and Biden should both be given lots of rope.  And lots of opportunities to hang themselves.

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Left-wing/Biden ally calls on Dementia Joe to step down:


Kate Aronoff/
July 3, 2024

Yes, Biden Should Step Down—for the Sake of the Planet

By refusing to do so, he’s not only imperiling American democracy.



So the left-Wing New Republic Calls on Biden to Step Down for ‘Sake of Planet’ — Warns of ‘Crisis of Potentially Untold Magnitude"

Welcome to who really now runs the democrat party----the far left and wokesters. There are no more moderate democrats.

Hey New Republic---Joe 10% Biden wants to take my gas stove----and you want someone more extreme than that?

I pray the Republican Party starts really going after who runs the democrat party today------the democrats would never again get close to the White House-and most seats in Congress would be held by Republicans!!!!!!!!!

The real “crisis of potentially untold magnitude” is a result of Democrats continuing to “burn through their credibility”

The Democrats and their allies in the Lying, Corrupt, Enemy of the People, Fake news Media burned through their credibility a long time ago and once Trump came down the escalator they cranked up the heat on the incinerator so high that any credibility they ever had, has been cremated. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust and dirt bags to dirt.

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10 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said:

So many reasons not to vote for Trump.


Even in its simplest form, the MAGA morons willing to vote Trump cant understand a word of it.   They are voting for him partly because he is "funny and makes them laugh", so they say.... Great reasons to vote for a terrorist and dictator.   .   Keep laughing when he tells you all "FUCK YOU MORONS, you fell for it"  !   And I hope he gives a big, special shoutout to EmmetK  😝

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1 hour ago, Suckrates said:

Even in its simplest form, the MAGA morons willing to vote Trump cant understand a word of it.   They are voting for him partly because he is "funny and makes them laugh", so they say.... Great reasons to vote for a terrorist and dictator.   .   Keep laughing when he tells you all "FUCK YOU MORONS, you fell for it"  !   And I hope he gives a big, special shoutout to EmmetK  😝

Always nice to hear once again from the lunatic fringe of the Dementia Joe fan club with another nonsensical rant.

"Trump will take away your rights", "Trump will destroy democracy", blah, blah, blah... Most Americans listen and laugh at that type of blather and hyperbole. Trump was President for four years, and during his term, nobody lost any rights, and our democracy still stands. 
The truth is that Biden and his policies are the real threat to democracy. He has allowed over 10 million unvetted illegals to enter the US. Many of whom are sex traffickers, drug dealers, murderers and other criminals. This is a bigger threat to our democracy than anything Trump has ever done or will ever do.

This country will not turn over its leadership to a feeble-minded, aging, individual with dementia, who claims he needs to take more naps and can't schedule any meetings beyond 8PM.

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1 minute ago, Bingo T Dog said:

Does trump still think batteries don't work at night????????????????????????   ha ha ha

You don't do well when you go off script.
You need to stick with your msn.com links.

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57 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

"Trump will take away your rights", "Trump will destroy democracy", blah, blah, blah...

Trump amplifies posts calling for televised military tribunal for Liz Cheney

If Trump wins in November and shoots Liz Cheney in the head after she is found guilty of treason in a televised military tribunal, will anyone care?  Why should they?  Blah blah blah.

What the fuck is the problem with every past Republican Vice President, before Trump?  Dick Cheney spawned a treasonous daughter who needs to be found guilty of treason in a televised military tribunal.  She was disloyal to Trump.  Traitor!  Maybe it would be cool if Trump shot her, or hung her, on 5th Ave.  But wait.  We really need to reserve the noose for that traitor Mike Pence. What was the problem with all these Republicans before Trump?

No Republican before Trump understood how democracy is supposed to work.  Certainly not The Founding Fathers.  And let's not even talk about Biden and Garland and all the Democrats who need to be brought before televised military tribunals.

Seriously.  Why would anyone care if Trump shoots the traitorous bitch in the head after she is found guilty by a military tribunal?  It just makes sense.  This is America!


Poll reveals that “Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters”


In six swing states that Biden narrowly won in 2020, a little more than half of voters classified as likely to decide the presidential election say threats to democracy are extremely important to their vote for president, according to a poll by The Washington Post and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.

Yet, more of them trust Trump to handle those threats [38%] than Biden [29%]. And most believe that the guardrails in place to protect democracy would hold even if a dictator tried to take over the country.

That's a sign of the times, and a sign of Biden's current problems making his case to voters.  Ironic that the group that wants to control women's bodies and prohibit abortion is flaunting the supposedly accurate results of the "fake media" that lies to us all the time.  Which one is it?  Fake or truthful?  Oh, right.  You no longer can distinguish between lies and truth.

That poll makes perfect sense to me.  I think it is a well documented fact that maybe about one third of Americans would go for a lying criminal authoritarian like Trump - as long as he is THEIR lying criminal authoritarian.  Anyone who doesn't get that can sit next to Liz at her military tribunal.  Why not?  This is America!

The problem for Democrats is that 62 % of Americans don't trust Trump to handle threats to democracy, including Trump himself.  But most of them don't trust Biden, either.

Part of the reason why, obviously, is that we are NOT talking about how Trump wants to bring Liz Cheney before a military tribunal for treason.  We are not talking about how Trump's hand-picked radical right SCOTUS members, who killed Roe v. Wade on Trump's orders, seem to be saying he has broad immunity if he happens to want to kill his political opponents.

This is America!  Or is it?

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YUP MAGA MORONS are so concerned with the border, that their Royal leader REJECTED the plan to fix it because then  he would lose the one issue he is running on,  The Border bullshit, those scary black and brown people streaming over the border to take over your place in America.   Such a ludicrous joke since those people seeking asylum in America are smarter and more useful to Americas economy than the toothless, fat , inbred welfare recipients that support Trump, that ride around in their filty pickup trucks with confederate flags all day shouting at the scary people of color......  I'd rather have a immigrant than a Trump supporter any day of the week....   Anyone shouting out Trump/MAGA 2024 in nothing more than an uneducated  pile of rotting garbage and  traitor to America.....

Keep pushing that border issue MAGA morons,  push it all the way to DEFEAT.... Dems got the stronger issue of Abortion up their sleeves....and you cant fuck with a bunch of angry, deprived women. 


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Reminds me of the time MAGA morons ran around predicting "A Red Wave is Coming", but when those elections turned out to be nothing more than a colorless trickle, all the MAGA morons, including the ones on this board went into hiding and silent.......   I hope they stockpiled enough rations in their underground bunkers for November ?  

Hey MAGA morons, I'll hate to see you go, but dont let the door hit you on the way out !    

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The Republican party has been shrinking for years. One recent poll put it down to 21% of Americans' identifying as Republican. So there's this ever more extreme element dominating a shrinking party inflicting us all with the hate mongering, incompetent Trump.  A man who takes credit for Mitch McConnel's stacking of the courts with extremist judges, but has nothing legislatively to point to as a success.  Infrastructure?  Lol.  Trump, beyond the sexual harassment and the blatant corruption and his attempts to steal the 2020 election, he was incompetent.

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Liz Cheney is a LIAR, HYPOCRITE, and a CRIMINAL.

Obviously, if and when there is a trial, every member of the corrupt J6 Committee will face charges, not just Cheney. And likely the Committee staff as well. 

Liz Cheney and the rest of them should be ashamed! After hiding and destroying evidence that proved J6 was a setup.
They are all traitors to the American people! Disgusting.

She better save all of her receipts. e-mails, text messages, voicemails, financials, and bank statements. The Trump Justice Department won’t have to change statute of limitations, make up new laws, change misdemeanors to felons, to put Liz Cheney away.

Merrick Garland is also looking at criminal charges for contempt of Congress. And Mayorkas is also looking at a slew of criminal charges from the Trump Justice Department in January for allowing an invasion of the US.






Cheney already got her first verdict. This one, in 2022, from the GOP primary voters of Wyoming. A resounding humiliation for the lying, treacherous, hideous swamp creature.



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