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Economic Stimulus Package

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Unless I misunderstood what I read, Americans with an income of less that $200,000 are going to receive about $350 or so as part of the Economic Stimulus Package and the first checks are going to start being sent out at some point this month, in May.


Am I correct about that? Does anyone know what the story is?

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Guest laurence

I received notice that I would receive a bonus check of $250 from Social Security as part of Stimulus Package.

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Guest lvdkeyes
I received notice that I would receive a bonus check of $250 from Social Security as part of Stimulus Package.

I didn't get any notice.

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Guest GaySacGuy

I am not sure about a bonus check, but I will do some checking. You, and everyone receiving a monthly income, got a small stimulus bonus starting in April when the withholding for IRS went down for the income tax reduction. So you should have seen a small increase in the take-home pay part of your monthly retirement.

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