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Why No-One Should Be Surprised About His Fall!

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"He cares for nothing but his own fame and gratification . . . There is room for debate on whether he is a rogue or a scoundrel, but not much about his moral bankruptcy, rooted in a contempt for truth. Dignity still matters in public office, and he will never have it. Yet his graver vice is cowardice, reflected in a willingness to tell any audience whatever he thinks most likely to please, heedless of its contradiction an hour later. He would not recognise the truth, whether about his private or politcal life, if confronted by it in an identity parade."

No, those words are not part of the historic, utterly damning, "punishingly brutal" Report published today by a UK Parliamentary Committee into the character of and the  lies told to Parliament by its former Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. Worse, it has been infuriated by Johnson's attacks on the integrity of the Committee members and their finding that it increased his punishment. That Report, according to the BBC website, is basically about the fundamental pillars upon which public life - and society at large - is constructed. Conduct. Behaviour. Believability. Integrity. The Sanctity of Truth. The Contempt for Lies."

Yet why has the Report and the content of my second paragraph come as such a surprise to the people of the United Kingdom over recent years? Why has it taken so long for them to waken up to the moral degeneracy of this man who four years ago was elected Prime Minister with his Party achieving a massive parliamentary majority?

For if they had taken seriously the words written in my first paragraph, this buffoon would never have reached anywhere near high office, he would never have persuaded a majority that his sudden change of tune in promoting Brexit when beforehand he had been against it had been anything other than self-serving self-promotion without any heed whatever for the consequences, that he was in essence a coward, a cheat and a liar, Britain would not be in the mess it now finds itself in.

For let's be honest, a quality his peers very obviously found lacking in Boris Johnson. The words in my first paragraph were penned by his former employer before Johnson got near 10 Downing Street, before his Party set aside their concerns about the bankruptcy of his moral character and handed him the highest office in the land. Max Hastings, a former editor of the right-wing Daily Telegraph, wrote them in a Guardian article on 24 June 2019. Johnson was elected Prime Minister by his Party just a month later.



No, he's not dead - at least not yet. But as a member of parliament and as a Prime Minister, this liar's obituary is already being written.

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