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Off Topic Thread June 3 and before

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13 minutes ago, Half-vaccinated said:

Yes you are missy.  Stone cokehead is the term I'm told.  To each his own vices, enjoy🤣🤣🤣🥶.   But it's the International Online Scamming that you perpetuate against unsuspecting gay tourist I find alarming.  How could you? 😡🤬🤬 And to think we were in a safe sharing space.😥

A propos of this comment, do keep your vaccination records of any regimen, half, complete, what have you, locked up in a safe. We can see all sizes and backgrounds, young, big, pint-level included, are open targets for bullying. 

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1 hour ago, Riobard said:

Anybody in possession of my identification or facsimile thereof is holding stolen or misappropriated property. Anybody that has declared such possession is, similarly, in violation of the law. I believe it is termed identification theft

Um, that’s not how it works, Counselor. That’s not how any of it works.


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54 minutes ago, Half-vaccinated said:

Yes you are missy.  Stone cokehead is the term I'm told.  To each his own vices, enjoy🤣🤣🤣🥶.   But it's the International Online Scamming that you perpetuate against unsuspecting gay tourist I find alarming.  How could you? 😡🤬🤬 And to think we were in a safe sharing space.😥

Oh, do tell more about what you think you know, Nancy Drew. This ought to be good. 



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8 hours ago, SolaceSoul said:

Ha! That’s hilarious. I’ve never even smoked a tobacco cigarette in my entire life, much less a hard drug. As for coke, I do like a good and Coke — Cuba Libre. But keep digging! I do admire your tenacity and thirst for knowledge — even if you keep coming up empty. 

This is probably a case of half-brained projection. Stupidely telling.

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29 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:

This is probably a case of half-brained projection. Stupidely telling.

This comment makes no sense. Yes you are stupid in the telling. You would be saying that somebody that responded to HV was projecting. A person may project introjects but not behavioural uptake of drugs. Likely was a projection of self-admiration; that tracks. I believe you are an avid cannabis consumer and project erotic images of youth. You might project cannabis by shot-gunning? I don’t know all the terms.  But picking on HV tracks. Perhaps the only young fellas of value are those that pepper your blog agenda. Pompous arbitrary sorting much? I suggest you tamp down the amateurish formulations. I believe your drug use could be exacerbating impulsivity. Hazing him may be a projection of a drug haze; there, run with that in your next post. I’ve closed with a stupid idiom, but you might appropriate it. 

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44 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:

This is probably a case of half-brained projection. Stupidely telling.

Could very be, who knows? There’s an entire group of (mostly) black American travelers that often comes down to Santo Domingo and does “recreational” drugs. Not my thing, and I’ve somehow managed to avoid drug use for a lifetime without even having a hint of curiosity. I don’t judge people for doing it, but I prefer for anyone to do it far away from me. Drug users tend to congregate with one another, anyway. They tend not to like “squares”. 

Now, had he accused me of sipping a few too many Cuba Libres or caipirinhas… hell, guilty as charged! 

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4 hours ago, paborn said:

I'm , often, mystified by what I read here. But, this???? 

This, the doing lines quip I see in the quote, is classic decompensation meets troll hour meets cluelessness. DM if you like. You seem to be one of the brighter lights on the tree. The post he dropped was big on noise, minuscule on signal in the noise/signal ratio. Having fun yet? 

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My expectations, to be clear, as written threats have been made here regarding sharing my government issued identity, or any version of my actual identity, for that matter, are that I forbid it. This is on the record here, but naturally limited in direct targeted messaging by the degree to which I am privy to any information regarding most members other than Board pseudonyms. 

I do not expect that my identity would be appropriated by another, ie, somebody would masquerade as me, but obviously that is similarly prohibited. 

What mystifies me is how a member would extort another member with assertions of possession of said identity and threats of sharing my government identity details without my consent, and do so with impunity on our board. I have not provided this information to any other board member at any time, knowingly or volitionally. I do not consent to any dissemination of such information. 

At this juncture, what I will do is circle back to my USA academic contacts to apprise them of further developments regarding a previous unfortunate exposure to an individual  that may be a person of interest regarding masquerading as a particular class of professional. Such an impersonation, if substantiated, would not go over very well within medical school settings up here where I have faculty status. I am probably as correct in my assumptions as previously but will be open to being disabused of mistaken suppositions. The possible misappropriation of my government identity puts a new slant on it.

As far as I gather there has been no reversal of the hostage aspect of my government ID. 


Axiom, riobard doesnt merely "have volumes of time"; posting here is his whole life. 

He isnt writing for others to read; he has already been repeatedly told his posts arent read. He is a person in love with his own verbosity. 

I wish others would just stop feeding the beast.

15 hours ago, SolaceSoul said:

Could very be, who knows? There’s an entire group of (mostly) black American travelers that often comes down to Santo Domingo and does “recreational” drugs. Not my thing, and I’ve somehow managed to avoid drug use for a lifetime without even having a hint of curiosity. I don’t judge people for doing it, but I prefer for anyone to do it far away from me. Drug users tend to congregate with one another, anyway. They tend not to like “squares”. 

Now, had he accused me of sipping a few too many Cuba Libres or caipirinhas… hell, guilty as charged! 

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."  Neither did he address his SCAMMING of gays that visit that island.  

20 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:

As I said, stupidly telling. 

But I see you are a follower! I apologize, even stalkers are good to give us clicks. I love even the most idiotic followers! ❤️

Dont flatter yourself Girl Monsta. There is NOTHING about you interesting.  Actually, I find you repugnant.

On 5/29/2023 at 6:59 PM, SolaceSoul said:

No, you don’t have it right, Brainiac. No one here referred to BlkSuperman as “deplorable”. That was referring to the comments made here by another poster — to which both LatBear and I responded.


They do find you deplorable in the Beer Garden.  And I find you equally deplorable for scamming gay tourist Online. 


if you talked to a fake account that requested money, favors, ubers on twitter/grinder/a4a/skkokar/jack'd etc etc. It was Dis Bitch. ⬆️

You been warned.

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3 hours ago, Half-vaccinated said:

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."  Neither did he address his SCAMMING of gays that visit that island.  

I’m waiting to hear this story. Do tell!

  • Members
2 hours ago, Half-vaccinated said:

They do find you deplorable in the Beer Garden.  And I find you equally deplorable for scamming gay tourist Online. 


if you talked to a fake account that requested money, favors, ubers on twitter/grinder/a4a/skkokar/jack'd etc etc. It was Dis Bitch. ⬆️

You been warned.

Unlike your newfound equally batshit friend Rioblather, I welcome you to reveal who you think I am — because unlike him, I am 100% confident that this is not me.

So go ahead, tell all you think you know, names, photos, everything.

WTF is a Beer Garden? 

18 hours ago, floridarob said:

I'm referring to Riobard and Half vaccinated....they seem to have gone wayyyyy off the rails, together and at the same  time 😲

I know. I was supporting you - sorry to be opaque

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