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Fuel Prices Falling in Thailand

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While the currency exchange rates may not exactly be favorable for most "farang" currencies right now in Thailand, for those of you who own or rent motorcycles and cars, the fuel prices have been falling. While that probably is not much consolation, at least that's something. Gasoline, for the first time in eight years, is now less expensive than Diesel.


By the way, the exchange rate opened today at 37.22 baht per US dollar, 69.565 baht per pound, 47.215 baht per Euro.


The following appears in THE NATION:



Petrol Price Dips Below Diesel


The price gap between domestic petrol and diesel is set to widen further this week, due to easing petrol demand against higher demand for diesel around the globe.


Caretaker Energy Minister Viset Choopiban said Thursday that domestic petrol prices could fall further by the end of this week. If gasoline prices are to be cut and diesel prices to remain the same, the gap between them will be widened.


Thursday marked the first time in eight years that petrol prices are lower than diesel, following a 40 satang-per-litre gasoline price reduction. Octane91 gasoline is now sold at Bt26.89 per litre, compared with Bt27.14 for high-speed diesel. Another 40 satang-per-litre price cut would bring down the octane95 gasoline price to Bt27.29.


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