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What's with all the cheating?

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Of course cheating is nothing new in society or sporting events but 3 recent High profile cheating scandals makes one wonder if cheating is on the uptick. One wonders if it is  more prevalent in today's society. Have we lost a sense of right and wrong.

The chess scandal were a player is accused of using Anal Beads to cheat and win. I guess someone would buzz his ass in some sort of code to tell him what moves to make. Wonder if he got a hardon playing chess with all the ass buzzing? 😝


Then there is the woman poker player accused of using a vibrating finger ring to somehow cheat at poker. She agreed to return some of her winnings to her opponent. Maybe she can take tips from the Chess guy with his anal beads.


Finally cheating at a Fishing Tournament. Shoving lead weights down the fishes' mouth to add weight and thus win the Tournament Prize Money.


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