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Anyone Understand The New Amazon System?

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Amazon keeps trying to get me to switch to their new system to sell the books I publish.

But there are no terms and conditions anywhere.

And their pitch seems sketchy as all hell.



We’d like to invite you to a private, confidential beta, and provide you early access to a new printing option on KDP. We value your opinion and want to hear about your experience.
*What are the requirements to participate?*
- Publish a title in KDP using the new format.
- Provide feedback on our private beta.
- Agree to beta terms and confidentiality agreement through the form linked below.
*How can I learn more, and sign up?*
1. Sign in to KDP: https://kdp.amazon.com
3. Select “I agree." Then, click “Submit.”
About a week after we receive your agreement to participate, we’ll follow up with additional details and next steps.
We can’t wait for you to try this and share your experience.
As a friendly reminder, the information contained in this email or that we share in the form linked above is Amazon Confidential Information. KDP Terms & Conditions prohibit the disclosure of any Amazon Confidential Information.
Thanks for using Amazon KDP."
Anyone know what the deal is with their new system?
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