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Prince Philip is Dead

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It is said that when the young teenage Princess Elizabeth first saw him, she decided Philip was the man she wanted to marry. Some ten years later they walked down the aisle. Neither can have had any inkling that in little more than 4 years she would become Queen. They must have assumed they could have several relatively carefree decades in front of them. But no one then knew that her father would soon become very seriously ill. The couple's life changed so quickly.

How extraordinary that their love for each other should have remained constant for an astonishing 73 years. As Consort, he always had to remain behind the Queen, always playing second fiddle as it were. That he should have set aside his own ambitions for a career in the Royal Navy to remain the Queen's rock throughout her extraordinary reign is a mark of the man's service and duty.

I would like to recall the Queen's words about her husband when she addressed members of parliament on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary in 1997

"He has, quite simply, been my strength and stay all these years, and I, and his whole family, and this and many other countries, owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim, or we shall ever know." 

May he rest in peace and may the Queen find solace in her family and friends in this time of sadness.

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6 hours ago, caeron said:

I should be so lucky as to pass peacefully at 99.

I'd be ecstatic if making it to 99.

Whilst I do have some respect for Prince Philip and The Queen, I do not approve of the obscene fuss from certain media outlets.  

Last night, BBC1 and BBC2 cancelled their standard programming and had both channels offering the same coverage of his life.    By all means do this on one channel, but both is just daft.


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2 hours ago, fairview said:

Pity he can't have the full state funeral he deserves. 

He stated several times that he didn’t want that, and preferred a minimum of fuss. Details of the funeral arrangements have yet to be announced but I hope his wishes are observed. 

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1 hour ago, z909 said:


Last night, BBC1 and BBC2 cancelled their standard programming and had both channels offering the same coverage of his life.    By all means do this on one channel, but both is just daft.


that's how public spirit is uplifted

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On 4/13/2021 at 3:18 PM, Half-vaccinated said:

“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.” Prince Phillip



Fact Checked.

The man knew how to insert his royal foot into his royal mouth to be sure. 

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