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State of the Union - Are you watching?

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14 hours ago, TotallyOz said:

I am curious to see the drama unfold if there is any. But, I'll be passing on the address. Others watching?

You did not miss anything of value.  

The only thing the freak did was read from a teleprompter and then occasionally go off script to boast about his imaginary accomplishments.

My goodness, he has been yelping for nearly two hours and shows no sign of stopping. 

His minions keep standing to clap when he boasts about something he claims he accomplished, but didn't.

No, you did not miss a thing.  In fact, you saved yourself from getting disgusted.  


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At least the board's owner respects his forum rules. :devil:

I'd rather watch wet paint dry before watching Trump say anything on TV. Trump is the WORST actor. He has one face: STICK-UP-ASS. Congress should create a law preventing the blowhard fucker from ever using a teleprompter. Thank god for the DVR. I can't live without mine. No commercials (even though I've produced many). No Trump!

Luckily, the date for the address moved. I celebrated a friend's birthday at Le Bernardin. Had that on the calendar weeks in advance. There was a handsome escort at our table. He was charming and educated. We all had a blast. Not a bad meal for $1400. In many ways, it made ignoring Trump delightful.

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