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Guest GaySacGuy

Cheney's Advice to Biden

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Guest GaySacGuy

Cheney was asked what advice he has/would give to incoming Vice-Presidnet Joe Biden.


Cheney's reply "He hasn't asked for any advice.


Considering that Biden has said that Cheney was one of the worst Vice-Presidents in the history of the United States, I doubt that Cheney will be ask for any advice of any kind.


Cheney is already making statements that Biden will degrade to level of the vice presidents office. Does that mean that Bidne might actually do the jobs he assigned by Obama, and not go out and start anymore wars like Cheney had done for eight yeras!!

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Guest MonkeySee

I think they say that, Dick Cheney is said to be one of the most powerful vice-president's in history. Bush was probably too stupid to think for himself and turned to Cheney for advice. What do you think Biden’s role will be? His interest and strength is foreign affairs, but Hillary will be running that show. Will Biden, be like Gore, and concentrate on environmental issues? Will Obama have something else in mind for Joe?

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Guest lvdkeyes
I think they say that, Dick Cheney is said to be one of the most powerful vice-president's in history. Bush was probably too stupid to think for himself and turned to Cheney for advice. What do you think Biden’s role will be? His interest and strength is foreign affairs, but Hillary will be running that show. Will Biden, be like Gore, and concentrate on environmental issues? Will Obama have something else in mind for Joe?


It is Obama's call as to what Biden will doing. Obama certainly is not a stupid man like "Shrub".

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Guest GaySacGuy
I think they say that, Dick Cheney is said to be one of the most powerful vice-president's in history. Bush was probably too stupid to think for himself and turned to Cheney for advice. What do you think Biden’s role will be? His interest and strength is foreign affairs, but Hillary will be running that show. Will Biden, be like Gore, and concentrate on environmental issues? Will Obama have something else in mind for Joe?


The story goes that Biden will head up some committees and such, but his main role will be as advisor to the President. The program is that he will have input to major decisions made by Obama, at least to put in his two cents worth. Biden also has a background in domestic affairs prior to his foreigh affair experience.


But Bill Clinton has experience with internal whitehouse affairs!!!!

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