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Guest Astrrro

Deep Throat Is Dead

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Guest Astrrro

W. Mark Felt passed away yesterday.


A few years back he revealed that he was indeed Woodward and Berstein's Deep Throat. Felt's info was instrumental in bringing down Tricky Dick Nixon.

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Guest GaySacGuy

I had just read the news on another site. Some people question his loyalty, but I think what he did was remarkable, and he should be remembered as a hero who put his life on the line o expose a corrupt governement.

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Guest MonkeySee
I had just read the news on another site. Some people question his loyalty, but I think what he did was remarkable, and he should be remembered as a hero who put his life on the line o expose a corrupt governement.

I saw a special on "deep throat" and did not realize he was convicted and sent to jail for his wiretapping of the weathermen group. Ronald Regan gave him a pardon before he left office.


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