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Aided by Deep State bureaucrats, Hillary, Soros and Obama are moving toward a coup against Trump, funded by the sale of minors to rich pedophiles.  The whole Russian collusion thing was feigned by Trump to create  a cover story for the appointment of a special counsel (Mueller) to secretly investigate and expose Clinton and the Democrats. 

Of course POTUS can't openly acknowledge Q but, by repeatedly referring to the 17 corrupt Democrats supposedly on Mueller's team, Trump was giving the Q guys a secret shout out to encourage their good work. (Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet, dummy. Do I have to explain every little step for you?)

This may seem a lot to wrap your head around at first but there's conclusive evidence on the internet (at least for those clever enough to follow the bread crumbs).

Watch out Lucky. They're coming for you next. :fear:













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15 hours ago, BtmBearDad said:

What fresh hell is this?

Q has declared a Sharkanado 4 level FHA (fresh hell alert), BBD, so watch your lip or we may just have to put you on the list too.

Image result for fresh hell gif

Would you care to explain, just for the record,  how you came to know about FHAs in the first place?


You wouldn't be a Soros minion would you?

Image result for minion gif

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Attaboy, Lucky. Way to go!

I missed that completely. The way you have been tracking those bread crumbs lately, it's about time you were awarded your very own 'tin hat, first class'.

Image result for tin foil hat gif

You're almost good enough to get your personal sub-reddit on 4-chan.


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