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Pointe 202 and Manhattan Rios

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Be aware that Manhattan Rios has been changing up their open times. I believe they are closed on Tuesdays since June. I believe they do not open until 20:00 Saturdays, but close around 03:00 AM. The extended hours Sat were already referenced here recently. You may want to phone.

MR has an ad in netgay.com.br where you may find more up-to-date info. The MR Facebook page is very sparse and outdated, but one of the employees, Alexandre Jobim, makes an effort to post info on his own FB page. 

Some of the clubs, including Point 202, have had more than one FB page, even if you search the correct term in the FB search field (Point 202).The best way to access the current owner-controlled FB page is to google 'Point 202 Rio' and link to the FB page from the first page of google results. They post almost daily, ie, the lineup, prices, etc. 

Enjoy your trip. The weather has been cool but warmer than São Paulo where it has been in the 50sF. Please report back!

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I was going by posted opening hours in two sources, so assumed shuttered Saturday afternoon. I also erred in the name of the FB page ... Mario Alexandre not Alexandre Jobim.

I cannot find the club FB page tomcal indicates is current.

Ad clarity and accuracy gets my vote.



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Yeah, I have seen it ... a preopening Feb post and one mid-May post. Where is this elusive regularly updated club FB page you allude to, tomcal? Perhaps there is another one. 

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1 hour ago, Tartegogo said:

You can only see their posts if you friend them. 


I had thought of that actually, as I noted that sharing was predicated on friend status, but I thought that would mean all posts were invisible, and wondered why this requirement in contrast to other whorehouses whose info access seems to be public. They are businesses after all, and MR lacks a website (I think! At this point, anything is possible.) 

They may get more buck for my bang.

I guess only some of the early posts were public 

I am not in a position to have MR visible in my FB friends list. I have already been asked by a few of my peeps why my Brasileiro "gym friends" cum workout buddies are all so hot. "They inspire me" is my pat answer, as I try to shift the topic.

Anyway, no biggie ... the OP has everything he needs now, except the more solid prediction he desires.

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Riobard. you can separate friends and family and acquaintances, etc., and when you post you can select whether you want your Friends or relatives can be in the groups that see it.  The same with your friends you can select who can or cannot see your friends list! works great i know! :-)

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1 hour ago, Riobard said:


I am not in a position to have MR visible in my FB friends list. I have already been asked by a few of my peeps why my Brasileiro "gym friends" cum workout buddies are all so hot. "They inspire me" is my pat answer, as I try to shift the topic.

Oh but you course you need a new Facebook account just for this hobby. I had a “Tarte Gogo” FB account for a long time, where there were only friends were escorts and venues I wouldn’t admit to going to family.

Lately Facebook thought that my user name “Tarte Gogo” was not something that they liked, and when I insisted on keeping it, they asked me for an id to prove it was really my name. So I changed it to John Smith. I didn’t need to provide an id for that. 

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8 hours ago, Riobard said:


I had thought of that actually, as I noted that sharing was predicated on friend status, but I thought that would mean all posts were invisible, and wondered why this requirement in contrast to other whorehouses whose info access seems to be public. They are businesses after all, and MR lacks a website (I think! At this point, anything is possible.) 

They may get more buck for my bang.

I guess only some of the early posts were public 

I am not in a position to have MR visible in my FB friends list. I have already been asked by a few of my peeps why my Brasileiro "gym friends" cum workout buddies are all so hot. "They inspire me" is my pat answer, as I try to shift the topic.

Anyway, no biggie ... the OP has everything he needs now, except the more solid prediction he desires.

Did you know that you can hide your friends list or your posts from your friends in Facebook settings?

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Yes I know about nifty cloak'n'dagger hide features .... info not seen on other account holders' systems on their PC or device, but occasionally my device(s) is(are) used by more than me, and my FB account (friends, auto newsfeeds, etc) is up for visibility by them. I can clear browser Hx but I don't think I can hide my friends list and newsfeeds from myself.

Another question: about the difference between a FB friend and a follower? MR shows their follower list. Is one automatically listed there if friend status? If a follower but not a friend, why so many MR followers considering the MR newsfeed is no longer public and only those who are friends (by default also follower) receive the info?

As I type this, I realize my 1978 self would be wondering how my 2018 self came to live a life of such abject absurdity.

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