Members Tomasian Posted April 14, 2018 Members Posted April 14, 2018 Hi all... I discovered this forum through @Tartegogo who posted a lengthy account of his South American trip in DaddysReview. I used to frequent that group but I found some of its members very bitchy (LOL) so I hardly go there now. I must admit I never thought about visiting South America, particularly Brazil, but after reading Tartegogo's very graphic and lurid journal of his trip (I was so enthralled reading it like a best-seller from midnight to 5 in the morning!) I decided I must take a trip down south. Well, not exactly down south as I'm from Australia and geographically we're more south than Brazil. I'll be in Rio de Janeiro from 11th to 22nd May staying in Americas Copacabana Hotel. As a first-timer I think that two weeks should be enough time for me to explore the city. I've booked some day tours to see a favela, Cristo Redentor, Santa Teresa, etc. I'm still deciding whether to visit either Sao Paulo (Tarte says he had a hard time there due to language barrier) or Porto Alegre (members here say POA has the most European-looking men in all of Brazil, but a bit far). I'd like to ask, what's the weather like in Rio De Janeiro in May? I did search this forum but I don't think I found a conclusive answer. I just need to know if I should pack more jumpers and less tshirts. Thanks in advance. Also, do you guys know the best dance clubs (gay or straight, both okay with me) to go to around the hotel where I'm staying? I like dancing to Top 40s music (electronic/acid house music is not my cuppatea). And I most probably going alone unless I meet someone who would join me. I googled some places but if you guys have been to a few that you can recommend, I'd appreciate it. Can you please also advise when's the best time to hit the club? When I was in Montreal I went to Unity just next door to Stock but it was still empty at 11pm. Anyway when the place finally heated up I didn't like it because of the music. I understand that in Brazil they do the bracelet-thing where you settle your bill on your way out. How does that work? What are the chances that they will rip you off like charging you for something you didn't buy? I would find it a challenge arguing on my way out when I'm tired, drunk and with limited Portuguese. I learned here that R100 is the standard rate in the saunas. Would it offend the guy if I negotiate less than that, say R80/$75? You see, I don't do anal. I only like to kiss, suck and rim. It's fine by me if they don't kiss. I don't enjoy getting sucked anymore and I would prefer the garoto sucking my nipples or french-kissing me while I wank myself off. I get off like that and the session would usually last 20 or 30 minutes. I know, I'm so vanilla. And lastly, I will be arriving 1.30am Saturday in Rio airport, what's the best way to commute from the airport to the hotel? I would prefer to use Uber as it's organised in the app so there's no cash exchanges but does Uber operate during that time of the day? I also prefer Uber as it's cheaper alternative to airport taxi. Or is it? Thank you and good night all. I started writing this at 4pm and it's now 6.08pm Sydney time. Time to get dinner. Tartegogo 1 Quote
Members Tartegogo Posted April 14, 2018 Members Posted April 14, 2018 Thanks for reading! A few things: i have actually not been to São Paulo yet, I am going there end of May, my language difficulties were in Porto Alegre. I have been learning Portuguese using Babbel, we’ll see if that yields any results. If you google “typical weather in may in Rio” it should give expected high and low temperatures, the numbers of days that it rains, etc. I don’t know about the bracelet thing in a dance clubs, but the bill was correct in the saunas. Going below 100 in Rio saunas might be difficult but you could try, if you first explain you want limited service.. They shouldn’t be offended but very likely won’t say yes. Some ask for 150 for a session, and 75 would be setting a precedent. I think Uber is very active 24 hours like all major cities, but never tried to hire in the middle of the night. Since the airport has flights landing, I would expect drivers waiting in the area. Btw, Daddy has removed my thread on his message-forum because it was “promoting prostitution” which is now presumed to be illegal in the US. I am glad @TotallyOz is here and safely abroad to keep public theses memories. PopeFrancis, Riobard, tassojunior and 1 other 4 Quote
Members Riobard Posted April 14, 2018 Members Posted April 14, 2018 I won"t be there in May, for a change, but it is typically very warm. The only time I used a jumper was two or three July evenings one year. Some garotos prefer to penetrate your bottom with their package than your skull with their tongue. Personally, I do not recommend trying to stratify service cost according to how "vanilla" on the flavour continuum. Even if you think you are getting that idea across, you may not be relating well to how the guy thinks. I am often in the mood for vanilla, have accumulated a 3-figure quantity of encounters, and only get lower temporal-based rates for sessions of longer duration. There is also often an inverse relationship between the accepted offer and his attempts to extract more ... once you have the cabin key his mission is accomplished and it is open season from there unless perhaps you project major Crocodile Dundee 'tude. But good on you if you can swing it. Über works at that hour. Haul your luggage up two levels to Departures ... Porta D, and fire up the app. The large elevator is visible as you get to Arrivals where folks are waiting for passengers. The driver may still ring you up and proclaim in Portuguese he wonders where to retrieve you, because the signal tracker has less than 100% specificity and some users fuck up in terms of going to the official pickup level. Or the driver may have driven someone in to Arrivals and caught your request signal from the app at that time. Say "Partidas Porta D". D is "day", not "dee", and drop the Aussie accent The driver may continue to speak at length. Catch his digits, put in your Contacts +55219xxxxxxxx, and text your location, as indicated, via Whatsapp. You may get approached by the taxi system or a broker even up at that level. Try to relax and be flexible about your tastes. DJs are not curating according the preferences you describe and the volume will be cranked up far higher than Gay Village's Unity anyway. Quote
Members likeohmygod Posted April 14, 2018 Members Posted April 14, 2018 Hi and welcome. Rio is always good, but that period of the year in particular is my favourite since the weather is not extremely hot. You will be staying in a hotel where the guest policy is very strict. They made a lot of problems the last and only time i've been there with a garoto. But since you're a 1st timer i would not bother to look for sex outside saunas. DO NOT GO TO A GAROTO'S PLACE. SP is worth a 2 days visit, as POA. There's not really a lot to see. As a first timer I would visit just Rio which is full of things to see. What favelas are you planning to visit? I don't want to scare you but I am asking because at this time, Rio's favelas are quite dangerous. The bracelet thing works like this: you will get it at the entrance (it will have a number which represents your account number, and your locker if available), you will use it every time you use a service (bar/rooms), you will return it when leaving and that is the moment where you'll get your bill to pay. I have never been scammed in Brazil. You can try to make a deal with the garoto for a lower rate, but without speaking portuguese it will be very hard. For you the standard rate at the beginning will be somewhere between 120 and 150. That's because the first time you'll enter the saunas none of the GPs will know you. So...tourist+non portuguese speaker=150. 70/80 is not going to happen. 100 is 95% sure if you negotiate. I am like a Uber bitch in Brazil....i use it even for 400 mt trips since it's extremely cheap. BUT i never use Uber to go from the airport to the city, especially at night. Again, i don't want to scare you but i'm just trying to be helpful. It is because of the position of the international airport. GIG airport is 30 min far from copacabana by car. In order to reach the beautiful Zona Sul, you will have to cross the shitty Zona Norte. The road runs above some of the most dangerous favelas of Rio. What happens if in the middle of the night, your Uber car breaks up (just an example) in the middle of Avenida Brasil? What will and what can your Uber driver do to bring you safely at destination at that point? This is why i prefer Taxis or Radiotaxis. If something goes wrong, i will have a very experienced and licensed driver which will just call the HQ and get me a replacement for no additional price. You will find Taxi Comum (normal taxi) and Taxi Especial booths at the arrival area. Never accepts rides from people besides the ones sitted inside those booths. If going by taxi comum (cheaper), ask for the prepaid tariff. TAXI COMUM TAXI ESPECIAL Riobard 1 Quote
floridarob Posted April 14, 2018 Posted April 14, 2018 23 minutes ago, likeohmygod said: . You will find Taxi Comum (normal taxi) and Taxi Especial booths at the arrival area. Never accepts rides from people besides the ones sitted inside those booths. If going by taxi comum (cheaper), ask for the prepaid tariff. TAXI COMUM TAXI ESPECIAL I used to do that, then TomCal told (and showed me) just to go outside, skip the prepaid rates and tell the driver to use the taxi cheaper almost always than the flat rate. Uber is cheaper in many places in the world, I don't find that so true in Rio (SP , yes). I don't think trying to save 20 reis is worth the hassle, just go with the 100...this is coming from a frugal guy, lol I like SP alot, but I don't usually get going until about 5pm, like a vampire....I usually have more fun in SP than Rio btw. It's going to suck not being able to bring someone back to your hotel, especially if you find someone hot and fun (99% chance of that happening). Cancel if you can ...AirBnb is hit/miss in Brasil...can have AMAZING places, or places that are meh. Book a place you can have someone from Grindr or the sauna over, just watch your valuables. DO CHECK THE BILL...I almost always find "mistakes" at 117 and Lagoa.....and make sure if you give your key at the sauna to someone that they don't go ordering drinks and food on your account...some guys are brazen, lol Riobard 1 Quote
floridarob Posted April 14, 2018 Posted April 14, 2018 Oh, forgot to add, go will be one of the best things you do there. Riobard 1 Quote
Members Riobard Posted April 14, 2018 Members Posted April 14, 2018 Favela excursions and hangliding have in common being 'extreme sports'. Statistically low-risk, but not for the risk-averse. Travel insurers may be more phobic about heights than you. Check the fine print before leaping. Quote
Members Tartegogo Posted April 14, 2018 Members Posted April 14, 2018 3 hours ago, floridarob said: .and make sure if you give your key at the sauna to someone that they don't go ordering drinks and food on your account... Lol, the only reason to give your key to someone, is so that they can order food and drinks, why else would you? Quote
floridarob Posted April 14, 2018 Posted April 14, 2018 Just now, Tartegogo said: Lol, the only reason to give your key to someone, is so that they can order food and drinks, why else would you? For them to get a room, especially when there is a wait Quote
Members Riobard Posted April 14, 2018 Members Posted April 14, 2018 Hehehe ... kkkkkk. Let's un-muddle this for newbies. The club reception should see your locker key to add the suite charge to your tab. You can go jointly with the garoto to make the booking so your key does not need to leave your person. If there is a waitlist, your name and locker number will be recorded on a sheet along with the garoto name to elevate the chances one of you will hear the alert informing you can pounce from the starting gate, as your suite key is provided and your suite is ready. Similarly you have the option yourself to bring the suite key to reception following your "massage". If you do not witness its return you can quickly verify the fellow turned it in if he dashed out of the suite prior to you in order to not miss one second of customers' window- shopping. Nobody will be offended. Note that the time of death is computer-recorded when the staff has the suite key back in hand. Sometimes I send the garoto to return the suite key if I need an extra minute or two to bathe, adjust and smooth out my crinolines, or simply to ambulate safely. Massages can leave one all flustery and disoriented. If he is less familiar to me I take a second swinging by reception to verify all is in order. If a garoto hoodwinks you and you get dinged with extra house charges, it is possible the house was in cahoots or sloppy in their tracking. But it is essentially on you. It is not rocket-science to avert such occurrences. Quote
Members Riobard Posted April 15, 2018 Members Posted April 15, 2018 For Tomasian, note that has a fairly up to date listing of Rio bars and clubs. Be aware, though, that many of us experienced visitors would not venture to locations outside of Zona Sul. Places like Boate 1140 not recommended. For the size of Rio, options are limited and there is no strongly identfied gay district like other cities. Quote
Members Tomasian Posted April 15, 2018 Author Members Posted April 15, 2018 Guys, thank you all for replying. I didn't mean to sound cheap when I ask about R75/80 for a programa. I just want my AUD to go further. At R100/150, I still find it cheap considering I pay guys here in Sydney average AUD100 (or R260) to suck their dicks. I find those guys mainly on craigslist, which is a hit and miss, as some of them flake, or just not attractive enough. But when it's a hit, it's like hitting a jackpot, like one of my favourites who looks like young Jake Gyllenhall. I joked that he should go to the US and work in porn. He said he'd love to but is worried of his mother seeing his films. Hahahah... Sorry @Tartegogo I confused SP and POA on your story where you had the language difficulties. Also sorry to hear that Daddy removed your post, though it did read as promoting prostitution, no offence, but isn't that what a discussion board is all about? I guess if it's illegal then daddy has to do the right thing. I love your posts I've been reading some of things you wrote both here and on daddy's. Re Uber. It seems complicated using this at Rio airport as explained by @Riobard so I think I'll go by @likeohmygod's suggestion and use Radiotaxi instead as it's safe. I also like @floridarob's suggestion of using taxi meter. Sir, any idea how will it cost from airport to Copacabana? Re Daytrips. I booked an Arts Experience on Airbnb for a photoshoot on the beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema and Arpoador. The experience is organised by a professional photographer (I think she's a lesbian based on her Instagram page) which promises 25 retouched portrait of myself with the sea and wonderful city in the background. This is absolutely essential as I need good pics to post on my Facebook profile (LOL).The favela I booked to see is Rocinha, which I found in Brazil Expedition website (cost R95). I also booked a 7-hour tour which includes trips to see the Big Dude (Cristo Redentor), the beach where the hang gliders land, Tijuca Park, Santa Teresa and Sugar Loaf Mountain. For R160, I thought it's a bargain. Both tours include pick up and drop off of the hotel. On other days when I am not going to day tours and it's too early to hit the saunas, I would probably go for a walk around the city to mingle with the locals also I'd like to go to the markets for fresh produce or binge on street foods. Is May a good time to go to the beach for a swim and a bit of a perve? I heard/read that it's a no-no to bring valuables at the beach but I'd like to bring my camera to take some snaps. Maybe I'll keep the camera in my pocket, lie on the sand while taking some shots and don't go for a swim, then come back another day without camera and just perve and swim? Oh why can't Brazil be a safe country like Singapore (lol). Re Airbnb. I considered using it but I couldn't find an ideal place in Copa or Ipanema. Based on the reviews I've read, It seems most of them are noisy at night being close to the beach and clubs. I used Airbnb when i went to Montreal and I loved it. I had the whole 1-bedder to myself and it's like coming home to my own apartment. The downside is cleaning it up before I leave for the airport. @Riobard I've bookmarked, thank you for that. @floridarob I'd love to do hanggliding but I am terrified of heights. I vomited when I rode the ferris wheel at Luna Park here in Sydney. @likeohmygod Have you stayed at Americas Copa Hotel before? Is it good? I booked it via expedia and it looks alright based on the reviews. Thank you all again and all the best. floridarob 1 Quote
Guest Naofuieu Posted April 15, 2018 Posted April 15, 2018 Ola About the beach, I recommend you to not bring valuable things with you if you want to swim. Unsupervised items are likely to disappear. If you rent a chair, you can ask to one of the boys to supervised them but it is binding. Quote
Members likeohmygod Posted April 15, 2018 Members Posted April 15, 2018 @Tomasian The hotel is good. Make sure you don't get a room in the top floor because it would be extremely noisy due to the pool filters and the air conditioning. The only problem is the bad guest policy. But maybe I have just been unlucky. Tomasian 1 Quote
Members sanddunes Posted April 15, 2018 Members Posted April 15, 2018 All your daytrips sound good - if you have time, you should check out Forte Duque de Caixas on the Northern end of Copacabana. It is about a 20 minute hike to the top and the views are amazing. Also, one of my favorite things to do in Rio is hiking Dois Irmãos (about a 1 hour hike, not particulary difficult). Some other places to check out if you have time are Jardim Botanico, Parque Lage, Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon (you can rent a bike for cheap and bike around the lagoon) and also go to Fort Copacabana (nice restaraunts and good photo ops) Buzios is a nice day trip. I don’t recommend Petropolis as much, although the Royal Palace is interesting. Most hotels have a soccer game package at Maracana stadium for about 150 reals. They are fun and interesting to go to at least once. There is a free walking tour of the Centro that meets outside the downtown metro stop a few days a week. The Centro has a lot of historic buildings and the walking tour was interesting and about 2 or 3 hours (also goes to Escleron steps and Lapa) There is not much gay nightlife in Copacabana, which is puzzling. The only options are TV bar and Galeria, both of which are underwhelming...The Week is only on Saturdays and is pretty far from Copa. Tomasian 1 Quote
Members Tartegogo Posted April 15, 2018 Members Posted April 15, 2018 55 minutes ago, sanddunes said: Escleron steps Nice portmanteau contraction! Quote
Members Riobard Posted April 15, 2018 Members Posted April 15, 2018 Good coverage here ... I will just add markets as you said you enjoy. Two daytime weekly vast open air produce, meat, fish, flower, snack markets take over the street at or near Gloria Metro (where 117 is). Indicated on image are the locations. Mid-morning to mid-afternoon. Ignore the yellow streak over Museu MRV. Tartegogo and Tomasian 2 Quote
Badboy81 Posted April 15, 2018 Posted April 15, 2018 On 4/14/2018 at 4:11 AM, Tomasian said: Hi all... I discovered this forum through @Tartegogo who posted a lengthy account of his South American trip in DaddysReview. I used to frequent that group but I found some of its members very bitchy (LOL) so I hardly go there now. I must admit I never thought about visiting South America, particularly Brazil, but after reading Tartegogo's very graphic and lurid journal of his trip (I was so enthralled reading it like a best-seller from midnight to 5 in the morning!) I decided I must take a trip down south. Well, not exactly down south as I'm from Australia and geographically we're more south than Brazil. I'll be in Rio de Janeiro from 11th to 22nd May staying in Americas Copacabana Hotel. As a first-timer I think that two weeks should be enough time for me to explore the city. I've booked some day tours to see a favela, Cristo Redentor, Santa Teresa, etc. I'm still deciding whether to visit either Sao Paulo (Tarte says he had a hard time there due to language barrier) or Porto Alegre (members here say POA has the most European-looking men in all of Brazil, but a bit far). I'd like to ask, what's the weather like in Rio De Janeiro in May? I did search this forum but I don't think I found a conclusive answer. I just need to know if I should pack more jumpers and less tshirts. Thanks in advance. Also, do you guys know the best dance clubs (gay or straight, both okay with me) to go to around the hotel where I'm staying? I like dancing to Top 40s music (electronic/acid house music is not my cuppatea). And I most probably going alone unless I meet someone who would join me. I googled some places but if you guys have been to a few that you can recommend, I'd appreciate it. Can you please also advise when's the best time to hit the club? When I was in Montreal I went to Unity just next door to Stock but it was still empty at 11pm. Anyway when the place finally heated up I didn't like it because of the music. I understand that in Brazil they do the bracelet-thing where you settle your bill on your way out. How does that work? What are the chances that they will rip you off like charging you for something you didn't buy? I would find it a challenge arguing on my way out when I'm tired, drunk and with limited Portuguese. I learned here that R100 is the standard rate in the saunas. Would it offend the guy if I negotiate less than that, say R80/$75? You see, I don't do anal. I only like to kiss, suck and rim. It's fine by me if they don't kiss. I don't enjoy getting sucked anymore and I would prefer the garoto sucking my nipples or french-kissing me while I wank myself off. I get off like that and the session would usually last 20 or 30 minutes. I know, I'm so vanilla. And lastly, I will be arriving 1.30am Saturday in Rio airport, what's the best way to commute from the airport to the hotel? I would prefer to use Uber as it's organised in the app so there's no cash exchanges but does Uber operate during that time of the day? I also prefer Uber as it's cheaper alternative to airport taxi. Or is it? Thank you and good night all. I started writing this at 4pm and it's now 6.08pm Sydney time. Time to get dinner. 1-The hottest part of Brazil is the northeast, where temperatures of more than 38 °C (100 °F) are frequently recorded during the dry season between May and November. Along the Atlantic coast from Recife to Rio de Janeiro, average temperatures range from 23 to 27 °C (73 to 81 °F). 2. No idea what Top 40s music is but the club scene in Rio is going to vary heavily based on your age and the areas you are willing to travel to for clubs/music Never heard of a bracelet usually pay a fee and then you pay for your drinks unless you go somewhere that has unlimited drinks 3. Good luck with the 75/ will either be ignored or they will simply walk off UNLESS you are very attractive and hot...then you may be able to get lucky 4. Just take the bus that goes into Copa...its cheap, easy to find right outside the airport and air conditioned... Based on your questions, I would suggest you using Google for more information to optimize your trip and make sure you stay safe Tomasian 1 Quote
Members Riobard Posted April 15, 2018 Members Posted April 15, 2018 Tomasian's bus #2018 will not be in service when he arrives. Quote
Badboy81 Posted April 16, 2018 Posted April 16, 2018 There is a bus from goes from the airport to Copacabana for about $15R.... May take an hour or two hours Quote
Members sanddunes Posted April 16, 2018 Members Posted April 16, 2018 1 hour ago, Badboy81 said: There is a bus from goes from the airport to Copacabana for about $15R.... May take an hour or two hours The blue executive airport bus is a good option but it stops at midnight. I have taken uber late at night from GIG and it costs about 40 reals. A radio taxi will run 80-100. A lot of the taxi drivers are huge assholes so good luck with ever getting them to use a meter. And late at night/holidays/weekends they use a different, more expensive meter rate anyway Tomasian and Tartegogo 2 Quote
Members Tomasian Posted April 16, 2018 Author Members Posted April 16, 2018 4 hours ago, Badboy81 said: There is a bus from goes from the airport to Copacabana for about $15R.... May take an hour or two hours I like this and its so cheap but after 28 hours of traveling, i dont want to endure couple more hours travel time. Quote
Members Riobard Posted April 16, 2018 Members Posted April 16, 2018 Tomasian, you will need local currency for bus or metered taxi. Before I started using Über, I paid the set taxi price via credit card for the fare to my south zone. This would be right at arrivals and there is likely a broker on duty even very late. You get a voucher/receipt and an attendant escorts you to the taxi right there and you give the driver the voucher. If there is no booth with someone to take credit card payment you will have to pay the zone flat rate to the taxi using cash. There is usually a zone rate sign with the fares visible somewhere in the vicinity. Über is super easy ... I just wanted to alert you about aspects that can throw you off. Look, take the taxi option as that is just fine, zippy, and suits your instincts. You will need a SIM chip or roaming capacity to use an app anyway. Quote
Members Tomasian Posted April 16, 2018 Author Members Posted April 16, 2018 1 hour ago, Riobard said: Tomasian, you will need local currency for bus or metered taxi. Before I started using Über, I paid the set taxi price via credit card for the fare to my south zone. This would be right at arrivals and there is likely a broker on duty even very late. You get a voucher/receipt and an attendant escorts you to the taxi right there and you give the driver the voucher. If there is no booth with someone to take credit card payment you will have to pay the zone flat rate to the taxi using cash. There is usually a zone rate sign with the fares visible somewhere in the vicinity. Über is super easy ... I just wanted to alert you about aspects that can throw you off. Look, take the taxi option as that is just fine, zippy, and suits your instincts. You will need a SIM chip or roaming capacity to use an app anyway. Thanks Riobard, so helpful. I think ill take your advice and use Uber from the airport. I wont be exchanging any local currency at the airport as i learned my lesson from my previous travels. I wont buy a sim card 'cause my phone will be on international roaming. Quote