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Brazil trip March 2018

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I will be in Rio last two weeks of March (and São Paulo) first two weeks of june. If any forum members are interested in meeting up please let me know. My only prior sauna experience with boys have been thermas in Barcelona which I loved. I have been to Brazil before but never to the sauna - was too timid in the past but not anymore so am super excited.

i promise to report back properly in time as I have leanrt so much from this forum and want to give something back ! 

On a side note I am spending a few days in Ilha Grande. Does anyone know the likelihood of finding “ company”there or best to take a special friend from Rio instead of chancing it.

cheers guys and thanks for your posts

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i have been to ilha grande in january.  beautiful. it was my second time because it is so beautiful. you have to take several tours. particularly south part of island is nice.

grindr is almost empty here.  several garotos in angra dos rios, which is 12 km away, but not on a island.  it is the best that you bring a friend with you from rio.


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