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Lagoa last night

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The last Friday of the year at Sao Paulo's Lagoa, was mild disappointment, I guess is low season in the city,the admission was R$65,00 but there was signs around advertising $50,00 admission for every night of the week nights throughout the summer with free cabins on the same nights, I was not aware Lagoa had cabins despite been at the place many times for the last 10 years. Maybe is a new thing. As usual the average quality is well above what you get in Rio, but was not as outstanding as I've seen before, there was only one drop-dead gorgeous guy, like those you won't ever see in Rio in a million years, as usually is the case, pretty much unapproachable, the typical Lagoa sauna-god,  I did not even try, I just don't feel comfortable with full-of-themselves types, besides he was probably charging double the rate, which he rightfully deserved, as a matter of fact the fee charged by the boys at Lagoa is probably the only useful information of this post: R$150,00 and nobody budged, I was even told by a boy no to bother haggling, of course I did, but no dice. "Sao Paulo people has more money" was one of the replies I got from my "in Rio they are asking R$100,00", which of course is true. I end up going with a guy called Tulio, nothing to write home about. Also worth of note was the 4 go-go boys dancing with full erection in the middle of the sparse crowd for a very generous amount of time, 2 of them were just astounding. Despite not being at it's peak, Lagoa is still the #1 sauna in Brazil. Hopefully the glory days will be back when the low-season is gone (end of February).

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