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Syphilis & Gonorrhea

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13 minutes ago, BiBottomBoy said:

I don't worry when it comes to giving head.

Everything good in life carried some risk.

That said it's a good idea not to brush your teeth for a half hour before and after giving head - doing so greatly increases your risk for disease.

Yeah, this.

The only way to make life risk-free is to have the undertaker screw down that wooden lid.

Risk mitigation is, as @BiBottomBoy notes, the way to go, and still live life.

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7 hours ago, kjun12 said:

Are you concerned about catching these diseases?

Of course I am. Why not? I mirror your behavior. The prevalence is spiking again, perhaps partly owing to PrEP. I suggest you use your rational concern to propel you to regular testing ... if you already do, good on you. Some of the complications of syph/gon/chlam relate to having them symptomatically under the radar and untreated, yet clinically identifiable at your STD clinic. Don't suck at seeking succor post-sucking.

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19 hours ago, Lucky said:

kjun, could you tell us all how long you as a person have been posting on these boards, including that other site?

Very bizarre question. kjun and I have had a public bitch or two with each other here before,  but his bona fides has never been in question: he is one of the longest-standing posters on hooboy's ['daddy's :rolleyes: ] forum, and his posts there speak for themselves.

He is a very independent and at times very irritating soul; but then me too [I suppose, and indeed hope]. I respect and value his authenticity and commitment to truth, as he sees it, an awful lot.

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