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Let's Keep This Drug Out of Here!

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If you have ever wondered if some people post here while on drugs, there is a new drug that would leave little doubt. "Flakka" apparently causes people to strip naked and bark! I'm just saying, arf, arf, that we don't want it here!




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With the legalization of marijuana in many places and police looking the other way for its use in others, I just don't see the need for other drugs. But, I have never tried anything hard core and I don't say that with judgement.  I hate giving up control and I need to be in control of my own actions.  I smoke week alone or in the company of a good friend.

I remember my first trip to Brazil with my Filipino BF and we had a guy we met with Hooboy with us in Rio.  I really liked the boy as he was perfect for the two of us. But, he and the BF liked late night discos and I did not want that every night.  One night they wanted to go out and I was happy to stay in hotel and work but the boy said he had a friend coming over and would bring some weed. He said, just smoke it with him and I promise you won't regret it. I did and I didn't regret it as the guy got hornier with each puff.  To me, that is the only drug I have ever done and I have no desire to try or to do anything else.

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