Members kjun12 Posted September 20, 2017 Members Posted September 20, 2017 Recently, I read that more motorcyclist are killed in Thailand than any other country. After reasonable consideration it would appear likely that there are basically two reasons for this. One is that the motorcyclist believe that they are impervious to harm and violate every rule of the road that they can. They dash in and out of traffic, run lights, speed, travel on sidewalks and do whatever they please without regard for their lives or the lives of others. Most are out and out assholes. The second reason for so many deaths lies at the feet of Thai policemen. Those lazy bastards, as far as can be seen, do nothing to enforce the laws against these motorcyclist. They are allowed to ride on sidewalks, weave in and out of traffic, run signs and lights, etc., etc., etc. The only reason they ever stop motorcyclist is to shake them down for a few baht. If they enforced the laws there would be fewer deaths. But, this is too logical for Thailand. Quote