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Little Chickens for Little Lurkers

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Today is a  holiday in Brazil, so we knew that if he were here, Lurker Speaks would have gone to his favorite lunch place, Galito's, in Ipanema, to eat their little chickens, the house specialty. So the husband and I, fond as we are of Lurker Speaks, went there today for lunch. We set aside an empty chair for him, and then both ordered the cute little chickens which were chopped right in front of us, blood spewing everywhere!....oops, wrong story.

The cute little chickens were tenderly raised until ready to be of service to mankind and cooked for us. 

Our orders came promptly, the food was as good as ever, and Lurker Speaks had a presence in Rio that he was unaware of. On a holiday at that!

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We went back, the next evening as it was so convenient. But, we discovered other restaurants that we liked,, one in particular near the Osorio station: Mercearia, a lovely Portuguese style restaurant. I'll post some other favorites once I review my receipts.

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