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More Disgusting Discrimination from an Asshole

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Today, Trump reinstated a Ban lifted by President Obama to allow Transgender citizens to serve in the armed forces, and to protect them, once again breaking a campaign promise, this one to SERVE the transgender community.  Trumps habit of lying and back peddling is intolerable, and here he makes an unsupported claim that the reason for reinstating the Ban is because of unmanageable cost of medical care for Transgenders in the military.   Where the fuck does he get this shit from ?    Its becoming increasingly clear he knows NOTHING about anything, and his ONLY goal is to UNDO anything Obama accomplished or was praised for during HIS administration.  It's pure vengeance, with no regard for the American tax payers needs or rights.   

But the day is not ending without some bragging about his accomplishments, especially a deal he claims to have made with Foxconn to build a multibillion dollar LCD plant in Wisconsin which will create thousands of jobs there.  He is a master of the spin.... and his supporters salivated and came in their pants over the news.  Promise a loser anything and they will eat out of your hand.  

NO GAYS.. Sorry !

Image result for trump sorry


But I created thousands of jobs.....Yugggggge !!!!!!   So Bite Me....

Image result for trump brags gifs

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