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Drain the Swamp

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I wont be satisfied with simply the removal of TRUMP.   Let's keep in mind, the people that voted for him, voted for DONALD, and NOT his entire incompetent and inexperienced family.   OK, we can deal with a detached FLOTUS, but the kids and the in-laws NO WAY....

When Trump goes, we need to insure the 2 sons Beavus & Butthead, along with sweatshop master Ivanka, AND puppett Jared all go too ! 

And we need legislation to ensure THIS kind of nepotism NEVER happens again, especially if the parties have NO experience in govt and are therefore ill-prepared to handle their jobs...  The office is NOT about personal benefit, its about "serving the people", which is something the Trump clan cant fathom.  

DRAIN THE SWAMP.....  And IMHO, there is no way Petulant PENCE can be President because he is as corrupt and complicit as the rest, only in a quiet way.  It's always the QUIET ones you need to look out for...  He's a snake waiting to shed his skin and pounce.  






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