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When will the LIES & Insanity Stop ?

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OK, so today Trump has really lost it.  Not only is he reporting Fake news and dishonest press in the reporting of his approval ratings, but is also claiming there have been numerous terrorist attacks NOT reported by the press, and actually covered up, however FAILS to give any concrete information or detail.  

What world is this man living in, and how much are WE supposed to take and swallow ?  Someone needs to STOP this psycho because he is so devoid of reality its actually scary and getting dangerous.     . To demonize an entire professional genre to support his LIES is SICK.  And someone also needs to institutionalize his Frick & Frack, Conway and Spicer...  They not only drank the Kool Aid but are regurgitating it back at us, in buckets.  And I cant even address the insolent and fanatic people that are still supporting him.  This whole thing is surreal and needs to be STOPPED ! 

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