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Suspensions, Warnings and Bullshit

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Guest Larstrup
3 hours ago, TotallyOz said:

I have moved some content to the Sandbox and may even move it to the Invisible Man Forum (where no one can see but me). 

Oz, yesterday, for the first time in quite some time, I could view the sandbox forum in its usual "oblivion" location on my iPad, iPhone and laptop chrome browser only. Firefox and Edge browsers did not display the forum at all. Then, it was completely gone from them as well. I've cleared cache and the usual browser housekeeping functions, but now the sandbox is completely gone from view of all browsers and both OS.  You mention this invisible man forum. Is the sandbox part of that or am I or my PC missing something? 

PS: since there is an unfortunate and current post in the recent posts sidebar, it does indeed resolve to the sandbox forum, where from there you can navigate to the oblivion forum from the links at the bottom of the post. 

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