Members pauleiro Posted June 11, 2016 Members Posted June 11, 2016 Has anyone any knowledge on the saunas in Belem ? Are there saunas with boys there ? Thanks for sharing any information. This is what I found in netgay (all saunas are sem boys ie without boys). CALYPSO Trav. Soares Carneiro, 315 (prox. Rua Municipalidade e Pedro Alvares Cabral) - Umarizal - Belém Tel.: (91) 230-3910Tipo: sem boys Home Page: --- EGOS Rua 28 de Setembro esquina com Rui Barbosa - Reduto - Belém Tel.: (91) 225-3058 Tipo: sem boys Home Page: --- NARCISSUS Rod. Arthur Bernardes/Rua da Pratinha, 332 - Belém Tel.: (91) 258-0289 Tipo: sem boys Home Page: --- PARADISE Trav. 3 de Maio, 1748 - São Braz - Belém Tel.: (91) 229-1762 Tipo: sem boys Home Page: --- Quote